Thor'sday Night - Paranormal Erotica

Thor'sday Night - Paranormal Erotica by Maria Isabel Pita Read Free Book Online

Book: Thor'sday Night - Paranormal Erotica by Maria Isabel Pita Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Isabel Pita
don’t remember,’ she lies desperately.
    He suddenly grabs one of her wrists and pulls
her across the living room into her bedroom. He quickly closes the
door on Sage and the kittens, then pins her roughly back against it
with his body. He yanks her arms behind her back and holds both her
wrists with one hand while the other one rises to grip her throat.
His voice is a dangerous undertone. ‘Was I in your dream,
    ‘Yes,’ she whispers, confused and yet thrilled
by the fact that he seems to be able to read her mind.
    He asks in what strikes her as a stage whisper,
‘Do you like this?’
    ‘Oh, yes…’
    ‘I thought you might. Now, are you going to tell
me what you were dreaming, or do I have to force you to tell
    Her eyes close, as if she can’t face how
pleasurable she finds the loss of her will. ‘I was on a beach.’
    ‘Look at me.’
    Meeting his luminous gray irises feels like
looking through a telescope at a pair of faraway moons; she can
scarcely believe they’re real, and orbiting her body. ‘It was high
tide,’ she goes on breathlessly. ‘The water looked really deep and
cold, and there was a ship on the horizon, but it was so far away
it might have been the crescent moon… Then you were there suddenly,
kneeling beside me…’
    ‘Go on.’
    ‘And this policeman I know,’ she wants to look
away, but his stare has her trapped in its intense gravity, ‘he was
there too.’
    ‘Mm, interesting.’
    ‘I was scared,’ she adds quickly, ‘the tide was
hissing like a beast, and I was scared.’
    ‘There’s more.’
    She manages to look away into her dark bedroom.
‘Mike was there too.’
    ‘Mike Peterson? Your boss?’
    ‘Yes.’ She desperately wonders why she didn’t
just make up a dream. ‘But then Sage jumped on top of me and I woke
    ‘Were we all fucking you?’
    ‘No,’ she gasps.
    He releases her abruptly and takes a few steps
back. ‘Take that off.’
    She hesitates, not because she doesn’t want to,
but because the authority in his voice excites her so much she is
afraid she won’t please him as she longs to. She reaches up with
both hands and lifts the teddy’s thin straps off her shoulders. It
slips down her arms, exposing her breasts, then across her hips and
down her legs, pooling around her ankles.
    ‘You’re beautiful, Carmen.’ His voice is hard.
‘How often do you make use of that nice tall bed of yours?’
    She holds her head high. ‘Hardly ever. I’m very
    ‘That’s good, but you’re not finished.’
    Her panties are so damp she has to peel them
away from her pussy before she can slip them down her legs, and
step out of them.
    ‘Come here,’ he commands.
    She walks towards him.
    ‘Put your arms behind your back.’
    Another thrill like an electric shock goes
through her, making her feel mysteriously weaker every time she
obeys him without question.
    He moves behind her, grips both her wrists, and
bends her elbows up so they cross at the dead center of her back.
‘Like this,’ he says impatiently, ‘always like this.
    ‘Yes.’ Her voice is barely audible.
    ‘The proper response is “yes, sir”.’
    Fear suddenly blends with her intense excitement
in such a way that it feels like the burn of ice on which all her
thoughts slip helplessly. ‘Yes, sir,’ she whispers.
    ‘Arch your back.’
    He is standing so close she can’t turn her head
to look at him, and she doesn’t want to. She feels deliciously
drugged by his warm and powerful aura. She obeys him, thrusting her
breasts out.
    He captures her right nipple between his thumb
and forefinger, and squeezes it.
    She cries out in pain.
    ‘Don’t move, Carmen.’
    She makes helpless sounds beneath the
excruciating sensation even as she holds perfectly still for him.
He crushes her nipple between his fingertips remorselessly, rubbing
it and pulling on it until it burns like a solid flame. Then he
abruptly reaches down with the same hand, and grips

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