
Thrasher by K.S. Smith Read Free Book Online

Book: Thrasher by K.S. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Smith
window on my way down the stairs to let you in.”
    Duke took in a deep breath and then exhaled, and before I knew it he’d rolled our bodies so he was hovering over me. His arm muscles bulged on each side of my face while his serious eyes peered into mine. “I don’t share, Brie. You need to know that from the get go. It’s all or nothing with me. You understand?” His tone was menacing, but I couldn’t help the laughter that escaped my throat.
    I slowly reached up around his neck, pulled his face down toward mine, and lightly placed a gentle kiss on his lips. “Don’t you think it’s a little early to be staking your claim on me?”
    His eyes grew darker at my comment, and his next words were harsh. “I’m not staking my claim. I’m stating a fact. When the time comes, I just want to make sure you understand my rules. I don’t give second chances. Like I said, it’s all or nothing.”
    I kissed his lips again and pushed his body off me so he was once again at my side, snuggled up next to me. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, I just want you to stay the night with me so I’m not alone in this big house.”
    He groaned into my ear as his arms wrapped tightly around my tiny frame, and I quickly drifted off to sleep.
    My alarm clock went off at exactly five in the morning, and I rolled over in bed to shut it off, noticing Duke was no longer lying next to me. I scanned the empty room in search of a sign of his presence, when I noticed a note on my nightstand.
Early morning at work. Will call you later.
    I climbed out of bed and tossed on my running gear then headed downstairs toward Bayshore for my morning run, where I met up with my Monday-through-Friday usuals. Twenty years of running the same course at the same time, I’d become friends with the regulars, and we’d all chat along the route at some point during our morning routine.
    As I caught up to one of my favorites, I fell into place right next to my father’s college roommate, Henry. “Morning, Henry. How was your weekend?” I asked, slowing my pace to continue running alongside him.
    He smiled over at me. “Great. I was actually with your parents yesterday at the benefit in Tallahassee.”
    My thoughts escaped my mouth. “Must be nice. You’ve actually seen them more this month than I have. I’m happy my dad loves his job, but it comes at a price for all of us. Mom doesn’t care because she is just as busy as he, and the same goes for my brother. You know how it is for the girls. We’re expected to graduate college and then come home and frolic around the Yacht Club until we find a suitor that our fathers approve of.”
    Of course, Henry defended his best friend. “Now, Brie. You know your father would love to spend more time with you. He is just an extremely busy man. And as for frolicking around the Yacht Club, that’s just the way it’s always been. Your family lives in an elite society where the men still take care of the women. It’s been like that for as long as I can remember and will continue to be that way long after I’m gone. You’ve always been independent, but one day you’ll have to settle down and be a wife, a mother. You don’t want to have to juggle all of that on top of a full-time job. Your time will come. Enjoy Tampa Prep. I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about your teaching, but just remember, one day you’ll follow in your mother’s footsteps. And who knows? Maybe you’ll be on the arm of our future governor.”
    I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at his old southern mentality as I waved, needing an escape. “Alright, Henry, I’ll see you tomorrow.” My runs were usually relaxing, but my conversation with Henry was a buzzkill. I loved the life my parents provided for me. It was all I’d ever known, but sometimes the expectations came at a price.
    Upon pulling into the parking lot of the school, I reached for my things and began my walk to my classroom.

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