Trance Formation of America

Trance Formation of America by Mark Phillips, Cathy O'Brien Read Free Book Online

Book: Trance Formation of America by Mark Phillips, Cathy O'Brien Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Phillips, Cathy O'Brien
Tags: nonfiction, nonf_biography
there were holes in the walls of my stomach. He recommended emergency surgery. I replied, "No. How much longer can I live with this before surgery?"
    He said, "It depends on how well you can follow my instructions"*
    "No problem," I said. Within a few days of feeding myself intravenously and taking the prescribed medications, I began to recover.
    It was during this recovery period that I began my telephone search for answers to speed Cathy's recovery process. Again I was told by my former "well connected" associates that I knew it all. I was not convinced. However, my persistence soon paid off as one particular phone call resulted in my striking proverbial "pay dirt".
    The medical books on clandestine experimental research for treating dissociative disorders mysteriously appeared "on hold" for me at the Eagle
    River branch of the Anchorage Public Library. I was covertly alerted to pick them up on a certain day at an exact time. I complied.
    As I was leaving the library, a middle-aged woman with a grocery sack in her arms approached me. She asked if the library was open. I thought this odd since I was walking out the opened library entrance. My curiosity was short lived when she asked, "Have you read any good books by Dr. Milton Erickson lately?"
    I replied, "No, but I am checking one out by (psychiatrist) Dr. William S. Kroger entitled Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis,"
    "Oh, yes," she said. "I'm a real fan of Dr. Kroger and he is a real fan of Dr. Erickson who you know is considered the father of subliminal mind-control (theory) research. She began walking away and turned, smiled and said, "Enjoy your books and use the book, Mark."
    I assumed she was addressing me by name while referring to the book itself. I also concluded from this comment that she was obviously the person responsible for delivering the books to the library. Soon I learned she was referring to a bookmark placed inside one of the books which provided me a desperately needed communications vehicle. Recorded on the book-mark" was a toll free 800# with a time and date to use it. I used this 800# and many others similarly provided me for a communications vehicle to covertly access the spooks' (spies) subway to information. For two more years, this method provided me with telephonic guidance through a maze of mind work with Cathy.
    When I called the bookmark «800» number, it was answered by an electronic voice which said, in part, "Please enter your employee number now". I complied, using a series of numbers that I had been previously «assigned» by someone who must remain anonymous because I do not know their identity. The next sound I heard was that of a phone being rung. After exactly eight rings, my call was answered by someone I did not know. He asked, "What's the problem?" I fell like a vacuum cleaner salesman with his foot in the door, delivering a canned sales presentation. I began nervously emphasizing my desperate need for a quicker therapy regime for Cathy.
    The voice asked, "Have you read the books?"
    "Yes," I replied. "But many of the clinical terms were foreign to me." The voice then instructed me to go back to the library and "pick up a psych reference book on term definitions". I then interrupted his instruction to ask if I could speak with somebody who could make this deprogramming process go faster. He said, "Well, there are only two deprogrammers in this country-one in Boston (Massachusetts) and the other in Phoenix (Arizona) and neither one could be of much help or be trusted with the kind of information you are getting (from Cathy)." He hesitated, then said, "You're going to need a referral, which I can't provide. But you know how to do it" I asked, "A referral for what?"
    "To have the chance to speak with a doctor who knows about this and might be of some value," he told me,
    "OK," I said. "Who's the doctor?"
    "Cory Hammond, out of Salt Lake City (Utah)."
    "Gees," I said. "That's Mormon headquarters, and that was the last religious

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