Warrior Invasion: A Science Fiction Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 10)

Warrior Invasion: A Science Fiction Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 10) by Lisa Lace Read Free Book Online

Book: Warrior Invasion: A Science Fiction Alien Mail Order Bride Romance (TerraMates Book 10) by Lisa Lace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Lace
the same time! She tried to push the old tales of alien abductions out of her mind. She’d been through enough without getting something stuck up her ass. But this woman wasn’t the typical gray her grandmother used to talk about, with a giant head and large, black eyes. Those rumors had been fairly well put to rest once humans contacted alien races.
    “Now these are definitely different.” The alien grabbed hold of Katie’s breasts, taking one in each hand, and squeezed them gently. “They’re much bigger than I would have expected. Are you considered deformed on your planet? Or do you work out a lot?”
    Katie gasped at the woman’s touch. “Of course not!” she replied, indignant. “They’re perfectly natural. And your hands are cold!”
    The alien released her breasts but continued to stare at them. Katie was horrifically aware of how her boobs jiggled as they settled back into place. “If you say so. But there’s far more material than needed, don’t you think? It’s a waste. We should arrange to have them altered when we get to Oretoz.”
    The alien woman didn’t pay any attention to her protests, and Katie began to wonder if it was worth trying to communicate. “I have to say that your genitalia are interesting as well…comparable to what I’m familiar with, but I’d like to know more about its internal structure.” The woman moved down the table and reached between Katie’s legs.
    “Don’t touch me!” Katie screamed. “I’m not a guinea pig!”
    The woman stopped, her fingers suspended just above Katie’s thighs, and gave her a quizzical glance. “What’s a guinea pig?”
    “Read a book and find out! Keep your dirty hands off me, get me off this stupid table, and give me back my clothes!” Katie wondered if there was anyone else on the ship who could hear her temper tantrum, then decided she didn’t care. Maybe someone would come to help her.
    “Fine. If you’re going to be like that, have it your way. I’ve got quite a bit of data already. When Commander Reck finishes with you, I’m going to get you transferred to the research division.” She put her chin in her hand and stared up at the ceiling as she thought. “Maybe I could get some male specimens and start a captive breeding program. I’m sure Troxeo could find someone interested. It would bring Oretoz in from the outer reaches to see the show and be ideal for tourism at the same time.”
    “You aren’t breeding me with anyone!” Katie screamed.
    The woman scowled as she flicked a switch under the table. “Most animals don’t get to choose their destiny, and I don’t see why you think you’re any different. You’re our captive, and we will use you as we see fit per Oretoz protocol 22-R-14: Handling of Prisoners.”
    Katie sat up and swung her legs off the edge of the table. It wasn’t worth arguing with this woman. “Where are my clothes?”
    “In the incinerator. I took enough samples to study the material, then burned them so you couldn’t contaminate us.”
    Katie ran her hands through her hair. “So now what? Am I supposed to walk around here naked?”
    The woman shrugged. “If you want. It would make for an interesting movement study if you didn’t have any clothing. If you feel like you have to wear something, you can have this.”
    She reached into a tall cabinet and pulled out a bodysuit similar to the one she wore. It was dark blue and made from a soft, stretchy material that Katie had never seen before. It felt warm and slightly slippery between her fingers.
    As she slid it over her body, she could feel it conforming to every inch of her skin, wrapping around her curves and supporting her breasts. It covered her from her neck to her wrists and down to her ankles. In any other circumstance, she would have asked for underwear, but it was clear that she didn’t need it. The outfit felt so good against her skin that she didn’t even want any. “Wow,” she murmured.
    “Come with me.

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