Wedding Duress (Events By Design Cozy Mystery Series Book 2)

Wedding Duress (Events By Design Cozy Mystery Series Book 2) by Ally Gray Read Free Book Online

Book: Wedding Duress (Events By Design Cozy Mystery Series Book 2) by Ally Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ally Gray
made as big a mess of things here as she did in your offices.” Mrs. Barber crossed her arms in front of her, a smug look announcing her intention of winning the argument.
    “That’s very strange, since Brianna wasn’t in town until two days ago. Yes, Mrs. Barber, I do keep up with your daughter’s whereabouts,” she explained when the woman blanched. “It’s my job to know the locations of all members of the wedding party, leading up to the wedding and until the moment after the last guest leaves the reception. So can you explain how Brianna was in my offices defacing her sister’s wedding gown while she was supposedly two hundred miles away at a function for her sorority, a sorority which she had to settle for after you and Diana blackballed her from your own sisterhood? Yes, I did a little digging and found out about that, too.”
    Stacy walked closer, enjoying the rush from watching Mrs. Barber falter for a moment on her sensible heels, a pair that matched her suit perfectly. She eyed the older woman up and down briefly, wondering what occasion had caused the woman to select this outfit for so early in the day, given that she was wearing it when Stacy had arrived that morning. She continued her cross examination.
    “But what I really want to know, Mrs. Barber, is what you know about Heaven Cotter.”
    Stacy’s arrow had hit its mark.
    “I don’t know who you’re talking about,” she answered. Wow, she’s good , Stacy thought ruefully. Deny, deny, deny.
    “I think you do, especially since your name is on her arrest affidavit. You filed charges against her three years ago. The funny thing is, her case never had anything to do with Diana. You had her arrested for harassment…of Ben. Tell me, Mrs. Barber, how does the mother of the bride wind up involved in a case involving a man her daughter hadn’t yet met?”
    “I don’t answer to you, and you’d do well to remember that. I’m very well connected, and when Ms. Prudell hears about your insolence…”
    “Ms. Prudell is never going to hear about it. I know for a fact you’ve never contacted her, and that the appointment you claim to have with her is a lie. So cut the crap and tell me what’s really going on.”
    Stacy and Mrs. Barber regarded each other, the air between them so charged with spit and venom that it was almost a tangible feeling. Instead of answering, the older woman turned on her heel and stalked back in the house, leaving Stacy to fight to keep her composure until she made it to the car. She flung the door open to Tori’s surprise, and sank behind the wheel where she let her head fall back against the leather seat until she felt well enough to drive.

Chapter 8
    T he wedding day dawned as perfectly as everything else in Diana’s life, just as if Mrs. Barber had orchestrated this, too. Even the sun followed the old bat’s orders without question , Stacy thought sourly. She awoke at her usual four am time and went for a two-mile run, cutting short her usual route due to the importance of the day
    The last forty-eight hours had not been the nightmare she’d expected them to be. They were bad, there was no mistaking that, but they were far more pleasant than she’d expected after tangling with the mother of the bride. Her only real luck had been that the groom’s mother must have finally realized it was time to cut her losses and avoid the family until this whole event was behind them, so at least Stacy didn’t have to contend with the united front of Team Moms like she’d feared.
    Unfortunately, Nathan had been just as absent as the members of the wedding. She found herself missing his usual annoying presence, missing his sly jokes and his efforts to win over her heart. She missed the surprise lattes, too, but even Stacy had to admit that wasn’t all she liked about Nathan. There was just something so endearing about him, and she found herself thinking about the times they’d spent together. It was true what they said about

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