3 Breaths

3 Breaths by LK Collins Read Free Book Online

Book: 3 Breaths by LK Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: LK Collins
realizes. Looking down at her, I take a deep breath to clear my frustrations and keep my emotions in check. “I can’t do any of that. I can’t do anything without her.” Tears fill my eyes and I turn away, I’m such a fucking pussy.
    Walking into the kitchen, I grab the bottle of tequila, swallowing a huge mouthful. It burns badly, but it’s not any worse than the pain that burns inside of me. Ivy comes behind me and wraps her arms around me. I look down at her hands and grab them. “I know it feels that way sometimes,” she says against my back. “But it’s not that way. Just take each moment as it comes and roll with it. That’s what you have taught me to do and it helps.”
    I nod my head taking another swig of tequila. Ivy lets go of me and turns me towards her. I stare off, not able to bring my eyes to meet hers as they are filled with tears and I close them, so hurt and grief-stricken. However, I am caught off guard by her soft fingers as they cup my cheeks. I open my eyes and look at her. She gives me a small smile of encouragement and says, “Just breathe, Krane.”
    I let out a pent up puff of air and recalibrate my mind. I have to let Zoë go, she is not coming back, no matter what. I need to listen to Ivy and focus on each moment…because right now, that’s all I have. It’s all any of us have really, and I know better than anyone how that all can change.
    “Thank you,” I tell her placing my hands on her shoulders.
    “Are you kidding me? You’ve done so much for me, Krane, and talked me off the ledge more times than I can even remember. It’s the least I can do.”
    Kissing her on the forehead I pull her into a tight hug and set my chin on top of her head.
    She smells so good. Dammit, Krane, get a grip.
    “Are you ready?” I ask.
    “Yeah, if you are.”
    Taking one of her hands in mine, I begin to head out. She holds on to me and I grab my keys and phone off the coffee table, noticing that Zoë’s ring is gone. I’m so thankful to have Ivy around, for more ways than she’ll ever know.

Logan’s wife, Victoria, passes he and I each a fresh brew. I take a pull and look down at my plate. This is really one of the only dinners that I have eaten and enjoyed in months. Ivy is picking at her fish fry and I can’t help but give her a hard time. “Do you need help with that?”
    She glares at me, and Logan whispers in my ear, “Are you two dating?”
    I shake my head and he raises his eyebrows at me, laughing and knocking back a swallow of his drink. I look at Ivy, still struggling with her fish and grab her plate from her. She lets it go, and I take all of the fish off of the bone and then toss the carcass into the fire when I am done. Handing her back her plate, she responds sarcastically, “Thank you.”
    Logan looks between us and says, “Are you sure?”
    “Yes,” I snarl.
    “Okay. So what’s it going to take to get you back into the gym with me?”
    “A fucking miracle,” I respond, thankful that he has been cool tonight with not bringing up the past…until now.
    “Come on, man, you said so yourself that you are still fighting. Even if it is underground, you need to work out so you don’t get your ass whooped.”
    “I do my cardio. Right now, that’s about all I can hold myself to. I haven’t lost a fight yet.”
    He kicks the sand, rubbing his foot in a little deeper and asks, “Don’t you want to really get back into it though and start contending for a belt? You’re the most natural fighter I’ve ever seen.”
    I shake my head and toss my paper plate into the fire. “That was the old me, now I just want to make it through each day.” I get off of the chair I’m sitting on and wander off. I know that Logan and everyone else here just wants what is best for me. But I don’t give a shit about that stuff anymore.
    Walking down to the water, I look out on the ocean. This isn’t Long Beach, but I can still feel Zoë with me. Her soul lives in the water. My heart

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