3 Days

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Book: 3 Days by Krista Madden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krista Madden
every day. When I was running, it was as if I left my body and went somewhere else. I didn’t have to be me while my feet were hitting the ground, one in front of the other. I didn’t have to be Kara.


Chapter 14
    After jumping in the shower, I sauntered to my room. Running a brush through my wet hair, I looked at the mirror atop my vanity. Slid into the crease between the frame and the glass was the envelope. DO NOT OPEN UNTIL MARCH 12, 2013 @ 5AM . I stared at that letter every day since the day we left. Behind it, tucked away, was the letter that I had opened that horrible night.
    I should have torn it up, flushed it, burned it in a fireplace somewhere. But for some reason, unknown to me, I kept it. I don’t even know why. It just seemed like something I had to do. I stared at it, weather-beaten, stained, and worn from bouncing back and forth in my room. Twice, I had thrown it away, tossing it into the trash bin, then losing my nerve and fishing it out. But I had no idea what Blaine had written in that letter, and I burned with the constant need to find out. Sure, I could have cheated and opened it earlier, but something told me it would be worth the wait. Something inside me just couldn’t let go of the fact that what was written in that letter was more important than any expectation I could possibly give it. And until the date labeled on it, that letter was Pandora’s Box.
    Glancing at my calendar, filled with a red X on each day that had already passed, I noticed today’s date: March 11. I had been waiting eighteen months to open it, one more night wouldn’t hurt. Before curling up to sleep, I set my alarm for 5 am. I was going to hear from Blaine, one last time.
    Before the sunrise, I was woken by the sound of R2D2 on crack. Ugh, I hate that stupid alarm ! Smacking it with my hand, I shoved my head under my pillow. What had I been smoking, thinking of waking up this early on a Saturday morning? And then it occurred to me, THE LETTER ! I threw the covers off of me, and darted for my vanity. Taking a seat on the stool, I plucked the letter from its most recent home. Tearing open the end, I couldn’t stop my fingers from shaking. After slipping the notebook paper out and smoothing it down, I read:
    I love you—
    I stopped reading. Hell, I stopped breathing ! Blaine loved me, at least at one time. Why didn’t he put that in the first letter? Why did he make me believe, all this time, that he didn’t want to have anything to do with me? No contact , that was what he said. It would be better if we didn’t speak , he wrote. Those are not words from a guy who loves someone! If this were 2 years ago, I would have been jumping up and down squealing, drawing hearts on the cover of my binder with BL+KL inside. But this was now, after nearly a year and a half of thinking he didn’t want anything to do with me. My only reaction was anger. As my face burned hot with contempt, I continued reading:
    I love you, I always have. Saying goodbye to you was the worst thing I will have had to do up until this point. You mean the world to me, and I couldn’t let you hurt and worry, knowing what I know now. By now I hoped you would have regained your memory of those two days that were lost from your fall. But if you haven’t yet, here is the truth. You and I kissed.
    Wait, WHAT?!
    Yes, kissed. In fact, we kissed twice. Once at my house, and the other in my truck at Lingo’s. But it wasn’t just any normal kiss. When our lips touched, we saw things. Things that haven’t happened yet, but were definitely going to. Before your accident, you saw them too. Being close to you opened a part of my mind that I had not been using until that moment, and it triggered a sort of sixth sense in me. After the second time we kissed, you cried. I don’t think you knew why, but I saw it in my vision. After that day in my truck, I started seeing things in my dreams, and many of my questions were answered. You moving away

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