5 Check-Out Time

5 Check-Out Time by Kate Kingsbury Read Free Book Online

Book: 5 Check-Out Time by Kate Kingsbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Kingsbury
definitely honored.”
    His head nodded up and down so vigorously that Cecily became alarmed. “Please do not upset yourself, Colonel. You may have forgotten that my son now owns the George and Dragon. It is quite proper for me to visit Michael, is it not?”
    “Your son? Good Lord! Does he, by Jove! I wonder, does he know his mother is wandering around a public house unescorted?”
    “He will very shortly,” Cecily said, casting a hopeful eye at the counter, where Michael still seemed absorbed in the ale.
    The colonel leaned forward, raising a hand to shield his mouth, which was almost completely hidden by a luxuriant white mustache. “I say, old bean,” he whispered. “You had better warn him. We have an intruder in our midst.”
    Anticipating the reason for the colonel’s alarm, Cecily tried to reassure him. “If you are referring to the young lady, she happens to be Michael’s wife. They were married in Africa a few weeks ago.”
    “Married?” He drew back with a look of horror on his face. “My dear lady, you must do something at once. He has obviously bewitched your son.”
    Cecily frowned. “He? To whom do you refer, Colonel?”
    The colonel nodded vigorously across the room to where Simani still chattered with the customers. “There, in the corner. See him? Looks like a woman, doesn’t he?” He leaned forward again, covering his mouth once more. “That, old bean,is a witch doctor in disguise. Mark my words. I can spot one a mile off.”
    Cecily did her best to hide a smile. “I think you are mistaken this time, Colonel.”
    Fortescue lifted his eyes to the ceiling in despair. “Oh, good Lord. The evil is spreading already.” He dropped his chin, his eyelids flapping furiously. “Dear lady, I tell you that woman is the epitome of evil—a fiend transformed. Yes, indeed. You must protect yourself from his black magic, I implore you. That friend of yours, Miss Penglove …” He waved a hand in the air. “Whatever it is.”
    “Pengrath,” Cecily said, casting an anxious eye at Simani in case she could overhear this ridiculous conversation, “Madeline Pengrath.”
    “Ah, that’s the ticket, yes. Miss Pengrath. Super with the plants, you know. Does wonders with weeds and such. Dashed marvelous, I must say. Why, I heard she can even give a man something to make him more virile … you know … with the ladies—”
    He broke off, apparently warned by Cecily’s expression that he’d said too much. Harrumphing a good deal, he cleared his throat, his eyeballs rolling around in his head. “Er … sorry, old bean. Got a little carried away there. Dreadful of me, of course. Forgetting my manners, what? What?”
    “That’s quite all right, Colonel.” Cecily caught Michael’s eye and lifted her hand in greeting. “Ah, I see my son. I must have a word with him.”
    “Yes, yes, of course. Jolly good show, that, what?” The colonel reached for his glass and lifted it. “To your son’s success with his new venture.”
    Apparently forgetting he had spilled the contents, he touched his lips to the empty glass, then held it up in front of him, a look of astonishment on his face. “By Jove,” he muttered, “I must have drunk that one fast. Didn’t feel athing. Dashed disappointing, that is. Don’t make booze like they used to, you know.”
    “Let me get you another,” Cecily said, seizing the excuse to leave. “Michael will be happy to oblige, I’m sure.”
    She left the colonel muttering to himself, his glass still held in midair.
    Michael’s smile seemed forced as she approached him. Even though she had been prepared for his return, the sight of him gave her a pang of bittersweet nostalgia. Her eldest son was so like his father, even without the army uniform, which Michael had now discarded in favor of becoming an innkeeper.
    He had James’s handsome features, though Cecily liked to think her son had inherited her wide smile. Michael wasn’t smiling now, however, and Cecily viewed him

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