60 Minutes
painful death.
    Judge Florentino settled in his office and picked up his phone pushing number three on his speed dial. It rang three times before a female voice picked up.
    “Can you see me? I only have fifteen minutes. Meet me at the McDonald’s bathroom ASAP!” He hung the phone up and quickly jumped up, excited and anticipating getting some head work from his favorite call girl, Euphoria. He quickly grabbed his jacket and jumped back as something pricked his finger.
    “Aaah! What the hell is that?” He examined his coat and noticed a little pin sticking through one of the buttons. He ignored it and quickly threw on his jacket and rushed out of the office.
    He made his way towards the elevator, pressing the down button. His body began to grow very hot, he waved his hand in front of his face trying to draw air in. He began sweating profusely and loud coughs escaped his throat. A lawyer getting on the elevator noticed how flush his face was.
    “Geesh Judge Florentino, are you ok? You’re sweating like a pig!”
    The judge grunted and walked out of the elevator ignoring the lawyer’s concern. He got half way through the main level before he collapsed on the hard cold floor and his heart stopped beating.

    “What happened?” Larisse asked as Jani’rah got in the car.
    “It’s not her, FUCK!” Jani’rah rubbed her tmples and stared at the clock on the dashboard. “Well, I don’t have time left, the only option is to get to the court house and face what’s coming to me. Any way we can get a team in there? If I’m going down, I’m going down shooting!”
    “You got it J.” Larisse said with a grin.
    “Question, you built this whole empire up, what are you…”
    Jani’rah cut her off,” I already got it covered.” She had set up a few off shore accounts for her cousin and around-the-house help. She also donated over ten million to daycares, recreation centers and schools in the city. Her money was in a good place.
    “I want to go to my house and have one more strawberry daiquiri.”
    Hanz smiled and did as he was told.
    Jani’rah had Hanz drop her off at her house. She requested to be alone as she walked around her yard. She thought about her parents and her business.
    The front door flew open and her cousin Claudette greeted her with a smile. As soon as Jani’rah had enough money, she flew Claudette out of Haiti and shared her wealth with her. Claudette was an accountant student and very smart; she handled all of the finances.
    The two women embraced and walked hand in hand into the house making their way to the kitchen. Glendly, her cook, was already preparing a daiquiri for her. As soon as she saw the car in the security camera, she knew Jani’rah would want one with an extra shot of Grey Goose . Jani’rah took her glass and went into the foyer and sat on a plush ottoman she kept in the center of the room. The walls were decorated with photos of her and her parents. She drank and walked down memory lane, envisioning her happiest moments.
    Hanz cleared his throat, “I don’t mean to interrupt Madame, but it’s time.”
    “Ugh, already? I would like to drive myself—go in style; I’ll be taking the Maserati.”
    She walked over to Hanz and handed him a check, “May you never have to drive anyone again, especially a bitch like me.” She walked out of the room leaving him standing there in shock at the amount he was staring at. His family was GOOD!
    Jani’rah met Risia out front and informed her she was riding solo.
    “Well, I’ll be right behind you,” Risia said with a wink and walked to the Jaguar parked behind the Maserati. She got in and started the ignition; as soon as she did, the car filled with a gassy substance, choking her immediately. She fought to open the door but the lock was jammed. Frantically, Larisse beeped the horn, but Jani’rah had already pulled off. Hanz came out and was stunned by what he saw; he ran to the car and tried to open the doors. He

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