9-11: descent into tyranny : the New World Order's dark plans to turn Earth into a prison planet
World War II largely because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. (pp 245)

    The relationship between the CIA and the Afghan freedom fighters, the Mujhadeen, predates Ronald Reagan. The bonds of rapport there with the Central Intelligence Agency led to the creation of their super-asset: Osama bin Laden, the rich Saudi Arabian sheik whose family to this day builds most United States military bases in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia. It is on the record that bin Laden is a CIA asset (see MSNBC article, “Bin Laden comes home to roost: His CIA ties are only the beginning of a woeful story,” by Michael Moran). So, every time an American president needs a distraction overseas, a ship or an embassy gets blown up. On October 12, 2000, the U.S.S. Cole, while docked at the port of Aden in Yemen, was attacked. Seventeen Americans were killed, and thirty-nine wounded—sacrificed yet again on the altar of globalism.

    For examples of this, look at Bill Clinton’s Presidency. Every time Bill Clinton was in trouble an embassy, a ship, a barracks would suddenly blow up, just like the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The CIA asset bin Laden was delivering time and time again, and Bill Clinton was there, protecting him, refusing to take files from foreign countries like Sudan, Iraq, and Afghanistan that indicated where Al-Qaeda was in the world, where they were active --even in the continental United States. Sudan offered to arrest bin Laden on three separate occasions. Bill Clinton answered by bombing, with state-of-theart cruise missiles, their only pharmaceutical plant, denying Africa desperately needed medicines ( Los Angeles Times , December 5, 2001: “Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize”; London Times, January 6, 2002, “US Missed Three Chances to Seize Bin Laden”; Worldnetdaily, October 31, 2001, “Was Clinton pro-Taliban?”; The Village Voice, October 31, 2001, “Thanks, But No Thanks—How the U.S. Missed a Chance to Get Bin Laden).

    In reality the New World Order scheme is a lot bigger than just Republicans or Democrats. The truth is that the Central Intelligence Agency, controlled by Wall Street, has been grooming Bin Laden and his family over the last fifty years to carry out dangerous projects in the Middle East, Central Asia, and North Africa. Back in 1996, according to the Times of India, the CIA worked in tandem with Pakistan to create the Taliban ( Times of India , March 7, 2001: “CIA Worked in Tandem with Pak to Create

    Taliban”). Then in 1998, when the Afghans offered to arrest bin Laden, the CIA responded by publicly telling them to do no such thing. They needed this bogeyman for one more big action ( Washington Post, October 29, 2001: “Diplomats Met with Taliban on Bin Laden—Some Content U.S. Missed Chance”). Through all of this, Bin Laden’s family was being rewarded with giant satellite company deals, oil company mergers, and some of the biggest construction projects in the world.

    Gary Hart, at the CFR meeting mentioned earlier, said:

    “There is a new world coming. America will become increasingly vulnerable to hostile attack on our homeland, and our military superiority will not entirely protect us. Americans will likely die on American soil, possibly in large numbers.”

    So, bin Laden in a known CIA asset that the New World Order has used time and time again to further its agenda. No matter what corner of the September 11 tragedy you look into, you will always find government involvement. Here, broken down for you, are just some of the many facts that prove that September 11 was part of a larger globalist program.

    CIA Meeting with Bin Laden in July 2001

    Shortly after September 11, witnesses came forward documenting for the record the fact that bin Laden met with the CIA Section Chief for ten days in Dubai in the American hospital. French intelligence was so upset by what they had learned that they purposely published

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