9-11: descent into tyranny : the New World Order's dark plans to turn Earth into a prison planet
media reports prior to September 11 specifically warning that bin Laden was planning to hijack aircraft and fly them into tall buildings in downtown Manhattan as well as the Pentagon ( This Is London, October 31, 2001: “CIA agent ‘met Bin Laden in July’; Ananova , October 31, 2001, “Bin Laden 'met CIA agent before terror attacks”; Le Figaro , October 31, 2001, “La CIA aurait rencontré Ben Laden en juillet”).

    CIA Shepherds Hijackers

    It emerged in May of 2002 that the Central Intelligence Agency had officers and assets shadowing two of the hijackers. Newsweek ran the headline, “The Hijackers We Let Escape,” reporting the fact that the CIA followed these two men into Malaysia where they had a meeting with senior leaders of the Al-Qaeda in 2000. The CIA flew out of Los Angeles closely tracking Al-Qaeda-Pakistani Intelligence useful idiots Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdhar. Both men attended what the FBI called an Al-Qaeda summit. The American people were shocked to learn that the CIA had been following the hijackers for four years. Even after their meeting in 2000 with the leadership of the Al-Qaeda, Alhazmi and Almihdhar were allowed to return to the United States and to enroll in flight schools. Reports in the BBC and the Washington Times confirmed that the CIA had pressured US Embassies abroad and the INS to issue visas for all 19 of the hijackers ( Newsnight , November 6, 2001, “Has Someone Been Sitting on the FBI?”).

    Pengtagon Mass Casualty Exercise

    Even before July 2001, the government had received multiple warnings. The military district of Washington, D.C. took the warnings of the plans to fly hijacked passenger jets into New York and Washington, D.C. landmarks seriously. The Army’s online news service reported in its November 3, 2000 edition that the Pentagon conducted a mass casualty exercise simulating a terrorist attack on the Pentagon building by a suicide hijacker flying a large passenger jet. Despite this publicly available record, a Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee conducted a top to bottom whitewash concerning government prior knowledge The committee found that the government had never even considered the possibility of hijacked airliners being flown into buildings.

    Of course, the Pentagon and the Defense Department didn’t need to be warned. The first media reports that came out said that five of the hijackers had been trained at the Pensacola Naval Air Station ( Newsweek, September 15, 2001, “Alleged Hijackers May Have Trained at U.S. Bases”). Later reports from the Pensacola News Journal, in an article headlined “Pensacola NAS links faces more scrutiny,” confirmed that three of the hijackers had been trained there two years before the September 11 attack. The San

    Francisco Chronicle , on November 4, 2001, in an article headlined “Al Qaeda terrorist worked with FBI—Ex-Silicon Valley resident plotted embassy attacks,” also reported that one of the top lieutenants of Al-Qaeda was actually an FBI asset, not to mention a member of the U.S. Army.


    The next piece of evidence you are about to read is the biggest smoking gun of all. President George W. Bush signed secret National Security order No. W199-eye telling FBI agents as well as defense intelligence officers that if they tried to stop Al-Qaeda they would be arrested under national security implications ( Newsweek, October 1, 2001:
    “Access Denied”; Ananova, November 7, 2001: “U.S. agents told to back off bin Ladens”).

    With regards to the secret National Security order w199-eye, the BBC was told by senior FBI agents: “the document is marked “Secret”. Case ID-199-Eye W.F. 213.589. 199 is FBI code for case type. 9 would be murder. 65 would be espionage. 199 means national security. W.F. indicates Washington field office special agents were investigating ABC - because of its relationship with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, AMY - a suspected terrorist organisation.

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