figured he could take matters into his own hands once he was alone. He was sure it would not be as good as the real thing, but he would have to be satisfied with what he could get.
While some believed colored women were easy, willing to give it up at the drop of a dime, he knew Georgia was not like that. She was raised, like his sister, to save herself for marriage. And since marrying him was out of the question, so was everything else.
A tug at his nape pulled his attention back to the woman in front of him and away from his lecherous thoughts.
“Did you pull my hair?”
“I had to do something,” Georgia replied. “You had a faraway look in your eyes.”
Nicholas was glad that was the only thing she saw in his eyes. “I was thinking.”
“What’s there to think about? All you need to do is agree with me.”
“Agree with what?”
Georgia shook her head. “You’ll stop all your touchy-feely nonsense.” She huffed again. “You also need to stop using those endearments with me. I’m not one of your bimbos.”
Nicholas nodded.
No, she wasn’t, and she never would be.
She was Georgia Mae Collins, a good woman who deserved a good man, not a thug like him.
Chapter 4
“That’s one fine piece of chocolate.”
Georgia agreed with the outburst that followed the low whistle from the woman sitting at the table on the other side of the bar.
Though she did not get home until after four in the morning, Georgia was awakened at eight by her father, who insisted she straighten the apartment for their guest. She knew William was not expected to go past the ground floor, and the unreasonable request put her in a gloomy mood she planned to hold onto for the rest of the day.
In spite of her resolve, a smile slowly spread across Georgia’s face when the man walked into the bar. She did not believe looks made a person; yet even she had to admit he was easy on the eyes. He was just under six feet tall and had a lean build. His red polo shirt accentuated the muscles in his chest and arms, and his short, dark wavy hair was slicked back from his oval face.
A young lady sitting at the table near the bar gawked. Her companion did not appear to appreciate the attention she paid to the new patron. The man stood and pulled the woman from her seat. With a firm grip on her arm, he dragged her out of the establishment.
“Billy,” her father greeted as he stepped from behind the bar. The men met halfway from the door. They grasped right hands and slapped each other on the back with their lefts. “I’m glad you could stop by.”
“You think I’d pass up an offer to have a beer with your college graduate?”
“In that case, come on over.” Her father slapped the other man’s back once more as he nodded his head toward the bar, where Georgia sat. “Georgia Mae, put those books away and come over here and say hi to Billy.”
Georgia closed the ledger and slid off the barstool. Since the records were over three years old, she had not bothered reviewing them. Instead, she had passed the time watching workers repair the broken window.
Though her father insisted business was fine, she worried. There were a few thugs in the neighborhood who were intending to go into the same business as Marco Santiano. However, unlike the older man, they wanted to offer more than a few loans at higher interest rates. They also wanted to provide protection to business owners…after proving how unsafe things could get without it.
The business had been calm earlier, with a few regulars dropping by to enjoy a quick beer and chat with her father about current events. As the day progressed, more and more customers arrived to have a drink or two before they headed to whatever party they planned to attend. By evening, she expected the bar to be filled with those who wanted to get out of the house and socialize but had no other plans.
Georgia smoothed the front of her dress and patted her hair in place before stepping forward. William gave her