Discerning Hand. At that time, I’d never even heard of it, and I thought I knew all the Aspects. Later on, I would find out that this Aspect was, as far as most Princes knew, concerned only with the death and rebirth of Princes. But its priests also pursued more shadowed activities.
‘First of all, you will never mention that your connection to the Imperial Mind was facilitated by an arch-priest to anyone save your Master of Assassins. I was not here, you did not meet me, you will never mention my name. This applies particularly to the Commandant. You are permitted to disobey orders of your Naval superiors in this particular matter by command of the Emperor.’
‘It’s all very well to say that—’ I started to complain, only to be struck down again. This time my paralysis was accompanied by a direct communication from the Imperial Mind.
:Obey Arch-Priest Morojal <> she passes on direct Imperial instructions <>:
‘You understand?’ asked Morojal.
‘No,’ I said.
‘But you will obey,’ said Morojal.
I didn’t answer for a moment. But I didn’t need a Priest of the Aspect of the Cold Calculator to work out the odds here. I didn’t really have a choice. Besides, I figured I could tell her I was going to obey and then work out what to do about that later. First of all, I was going to ask Haddad, most particularly about why he was excepted from this command about not mentioning the arch-priest.
‘Yes,’ I said. ‘You weren’t here, I never heard of you, I don’t talk to any Navy types about it.’
‘The Commandant, Prince Huzand, will expect that your connection will be as swift and commonplace as it usually is and that you will report immediately afterward. As you are not aligned with any senior Prince, and as he is actively recruiting, he will with a 0.98 per cent certainty offer you attachment to his own House, that led by Vice Admiral Prince Jerrazis the Fifth. You will refuse politely and inform him that you do not want to make a decision of this kind yet.’
‘Why should I refuse such an offer?’ I asked. Though I knew very little about the real politics of the Empire, I knew that young Princes invariably attached themselves to more senior ones, at least at the start of their careers, and that over time these mutual cooperation pacts had become formal organisations known as Houses. Since I had to join the Navy, I might as well join a House led by a senior Naval officer.
‘Because the Emperor has other plans for you,’ said Morojal. ‘Which require you to not be associated with any House.’
‘What plans?’ I asked. I wasn’t surprised the Emperor had special plans for me. But with only two years to go until the abdication, there didn’t seem to be any time to waste in getting me ready to ascend the throne. Hanging around the Naval Academy for a year definitely sounded like a waste of time. ‘Are you giving me a ship and sending me out?’
The three pupils of the arch-priest’s eyes rotated in place, like a triple gun selecting a different barrel.
‘No,’ she said coldly. ‘You will be informed of the plans when you need to know them. For now, you will join the Navy, and study to the best of your ability at the Naval Academy, and await instruction.’
:Join Navy. Study hard. Await direct instruction <>: echoed the voice inside my head, leaving no doubt and no room for other interpretation.
‘But I thought being a Prince meant I could make my own decisions!’ I blurted out. I thought, but did not add, instead of having my life constrained by priests .
‘You thought wrong,’ said Morojal tersely. ‘And you are not having your life constrained by priests. You are serving the Empire. Now go!’
My fingers and toes flexed as I regained control over my limbs. I slowly reached over for my rather crusty undergarments and Bitek-slimed vacuum suit, which were very unattractive but better than nothing. As my