A Cornish Stranger

A Cornish Stranger by Liz Fenwick Read Free Book Online

Book: A Cornish Stranger by Liz Fenwick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liz Fenwick
Tags: General and Literary Fiction
soloist singing ‘Pie Jesu’. Gabe smiled at her. She had sung well but Gabe felt she could do with some more practice. Most of the kids took Hannah’s words as a cue to leave and were grabbing the bags. One by one they headed out the door, waving thanks. Emily straightened all the music and left ‘Pie Jesu’on the top before scooting out of the door.
    Hannah walked slowly to the piano. ‘I just wanted to say thanks again for stepping in.’
    â€˜I enjoyed it and you all sang so well. Who knew there was so much talent locally?’
    Hannah looked up from under her fringe, which had fallen across her eyes.
    â€˜Shall we go through this?’ Gabe ran her finger across the ‘Pie Jesu’ sheet.
    Everything that had been relaxed about Hannah dis­appeared.
    â€˜No, it’s fine. I’ll manage without running through it again.’
    â€˜It’s always been one of my favourite pieces.’ Gabe smiled at Hannah. She could see her nerves. ‘We could just do a quick run through. Wouldn’t take a moment.’
    Hannah bit her lower lip.
    â€˜Why don’t you try an ascending arpeggio to loosen up a bit?’ Gabe hit the F above middle C and gave Hannah an encouraging glance. But Hannah stood straight as an arrow by the piano, not opening her mouth. Gabe swallowed as Hannah’s fear infected her. But she wasn’t performing. No . This wasn’t the same. Images of standing by a piano, voiceless, circled in Gabe’s mind. No . This wasn’t performing, this was teaching. Gabe coughed, then hit the note again, and when Hannah didn’t begin, Gabe sang. Her voice faltered, but by the time she followed with a descending scale, her tone rounded and began to open.
    â€˜Wow!’ Hannah’s eyes were wide.
    â€˜Well, yes. Now let’s see you try it.’ Gabe hit the note and Hannah wriggled her arms before she began. Gabe waved her hand for Hannah to continue while she played the accompanying chords and Hannah’s shoulders opened. Gabe stilled her hands but Hannah continued to go one tone higher.
    â€˜Now it’s my turn to say wow.’
    Hannah grinned.
    â€˜Good, now shall we run through “Pie Jesu”?’
    Gabe glanced at Hannah, who began. When the short piece finished, Hannah kicked her toes against the piano. ‘I fu— messed up.’
    Gabe’s mouth twitched. ‘Only here.’ She played the section and Hannah nodded. ‘Try it again and this time relax more when you sing Pie, pie Jesu.’
    â€˜Yes, like this.’ Gabe played the notes then sang part of the closing segment. ‘Did you notice what I did?’
    â€˜Yes.’ Hannah frowned. ‘You finished the previous note a little early, then you took in all the air you needed.’
    â€˜Now it’s your turn to try it – and remember, cheat the breath.’
    Hannah smiled and this time she sang it fluently.
    â€˜That’s much better, and I bet it was easier to sing when you weren’t worrying about having enough breath.’
    Hannah nodded.
    â€˜OK, let’s run through the whole piece again.’ Gabe played and Hannah sang the motet without fault.
    â€˜Thank you so much.’ Hannah looked down and then to Gabe. ‘Would you sing it for me so I can hear how it really should sound?’
    â€˜You already sing it how it should sound.’ Gabe glanced out of the window. Afternoon sunlight caught the dust motes, bringing back memories. Like Hannah, she had been a student once, wanting to learn, and she had been helped by so many people. How unfair of her not to help this talented girl. She could do this. Gabe’s glance darted to the door. ‘OK.’
    Gabe closed her eyes for a moment then straightened her back. She played the opening note on the piano and began to sing, forcing everything, including where she was, out of her head

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