A Dom's Dilemma

A Dom's Dilemma by Kathryn R. Blake Read Free Book Online

Book: A Dom's Dilemma by Kathryn R. Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn R. Blake
chainin’ station, George, and take a crop to her hide until she settles down.”
    Kelly froze at those words. At least she was listening now. She breathed heavily, but outside of a slight shiver, she held quiet and still beneath the fingers he kept wrapped about her wrists.
    Bending low, he whispered, “You’d best stop your shenanigans and start doin’ what I say, or you’re gonna be one unhappy little girl.”
    “I don’t want this!” she insisted.
    “Now, I didn’t ask you what you wanted, did I? Wanna know why? Because your job, subbie, is to obey me. If you don’t, you’re gonna get punished, and that’s a simple fact.”
    When she wailed at that pronouncement, he placed his left hand between her shoulders and brought his right palm down sharply on her butt, and growled. “Enough! You’ve already earned yourself one paddlin’. Don’t make me add swats for willful disobedience and disruption.”
    “I don’t care who hears me!” she screamed, struggling again for all she was worth. “Let me go, you asshole!”
    Jim scowled down at her. “Swearin’ is not acceptable at any time, so that little slip has earned you five more swats, sub.” She was bucking hard again, not that she could go anywhere. He had a firm hold of her. Giving his head a shake, he picked her up and swung her over his shoulder. Then restraining her kicking legs by clamping his right arm around her thighs, he gave another swat to her squirming buttocks. She screamed again.
    “Quiet down, sub!” he yelled back. The angry sound of his voice provided just enough impetus for her to lie still, but not enough to keep gut-wrenching sobs from ripping through her. He didn’t enjoy the thought of hurting her, but she needed to learn her lesson. So, without another word, he carried her over to a padded bench, yanked her down and pulled her across his knees.
    Holding her down by her shoulders he brought his hand down once. “You are actin’ worse than a bratty, little girl, sub. And this is how I punish bratty, little girls.”
    “Go to hell, you fucking pervert,” she cried back, her voice angry and terrified, yet she still didn’t say the one word that would get him to stop.
    Bringing his hand down even more firmly a second time, he said, “You need your mouth washed out with soap, and a good ole fashioned paddlin’ on the spankin’ bench to my mind. But that’s another ten you’ve earned.”
    “Noooo! Oww! You’re hurting me. Let me go!”
    “You aren’t giving the orders here, sub. I am,” he insisted, punctuating each of the words he wished to emphasize with a sharp smack. “And for your information spankin’s are supposed to hurt. So, you’d best get used to it, because I’m not plannin’ on stoppin’ until you convince me you’re gonna start behavin’. After that, we’ll begin your punishment spankin’.” His hand came down smartly enough that time to sting his palm.
    “Oww! Go fuck yourself, you sadist!”
    Smack. Smack. Smack. Jim continued to apply his hand with each thwack delivered more firmly than the one that preceded it.
    After he’d landed ten hard-handed swats, she sobbed out, “No more! Please!.” Knowing he couldn’t stop simply because she demanded it, he dispensed five more to the sobbing girl before he paused for a second.
    “I got to say I’m real disappointed in your behavior right now, sub. Real disappointed.” Though she cried even harder at those words, she still didn’t call out her safe word. Considering how she’d been acting that surprised him. But it pleased him, too, since it meant she would rather accept a punishment than call an end to their association.
    “Well, are you ready to apologize yet, or do I keep goin’?” he demanded, lightly rubbing her rosy, pink bottom. He’d been firm with her, but considering what she’d given him, he’d let her off lightly, so far. Other Doms would have had her restrained on the cross, or the bench, and teaching her a much harder

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