demeanor was unassuming and kind, and patients warmed to her instantly. She had that soothing personality that always made people feel instantly calmer, and even in situations where the victim was agitated or aggressive, she never lost that calm façade.
“My name is Diana. I’m one of the social workers here at Saint Joseph’s. These are detectives, and they want to ask you a few questions. You’re not in any trouble, and if at any time you want to take a break or stop, you only need to let me know, all right?”
Joel reached with a shaking hand for Ford, and Ford grasped Joel’s hand in his own. As Ford looked, he could see the panic flooding Joel’s eyes. He didn’t answer Diana.
Jack, Adam’s brother and special task force detective, sat quietly across from them, forearms braced against his knees, and his partner, Greer, was seated next to him. Jack remained quiet, observing, and Greer was unassertive and compassionate as she spoke. She introduced both herself and Jack, voice soft. She told Joel they were there to try to find out who had hurt him.
“Can you tell me your name?”
Joel stared at her unblinkingly.
When it became clear he wasn’t going to answer, Ford supplied the answer for him.
“That’s good. Joel. We are trying to find out what happened to your friend. Can you tell us his name?”
Joel didn’t answer, just held on to Ford tighter. Greer tried several different approaches, but each question was met with stony silence. After a few minutes, it became clear they were getting nowhere.
“Maybe we can try again after Joel has gotten some rest,” Diana suggested.
“That would be fine,” Greer agreed. “We can come back tomorrow and see if you’re feeling any better, all right?”
Once more, Joel didn’t answer, but Ford was proud of him nonetheless. He’d already been through so much, and despite being scared, he hadn’t broken down. Ford didn’t know if he’d have been as brave at thirteen.
He led Joel back to his bed and stayed to check his vitals periodically. Ford wondered what would happen to him, where his parents were.
“I’ll be right back,” Ford said, gently pulling his hand free of Joel’s. He stepped out from behind the curtain and spotted Diana still speaking to the detectives near the quiet room.
“Hey, Diana, can I talk to you a sec?”
“Sure,” she replied, excusing herself from her conversation with Jack and Greer.
“I’m just wondering what’s going to happen to Joel. For as long as I’ve worked here, I’ve never had a kid in this type of situation.”
Her voice was soft when she spoke—Diana’s voice was always soft. “It’s too early to tell. He has obviously been abused, but whether that abuse came from his family or someone else, we won’t know until he starts talking.”
“How long will that take?”
“I’m not a psychologist, but from experience it could be anywhere from a few hours to years. We don’t know the extent of the abuse he’s suffered or what kind of psychological trauma he’s been exposed to.”
“Is there anything I should be doing for him, other than my normal stuff?”
She shook her head, smiling warmly. “No, you’re doing exactly the right thing. Joel trusts you. It’s not uncommon for children who have suffered to latch on to something or someone who makes them feel safe. I think that’s what has happened with Joel. The fact that he can forge that sort of emotional bond is a very good sign.”
Ford exhaled, his mind racing. There was a long road ahead for Joel, and they were only at the beginning. He thanked Diana for her help and returned to Joel’s bed.
The blood work was repeated, and Dr. Goodwin poked his head in a couple of times to check on him. Ford never left him again. He felt as though he’d been holding his breath since the moment the paramedics brought him in. There was no logical reason for Ford to have reacted the way he had, but in the moment that Ford had mistaken him