A False Proposal
to faro and hazard.”
    Adam tried to summon up an image of Lord Bentley, but they’d never really been friends, merely acquaintances. The other man had been titled and several years his senior, and they’d never done more than run into each other around town now and again. During his wild days, when he and Jack had frequented one gaming hell or another, he recalled seeing Bentley in some of those establishments. He couldn’t imagine a union between him and Cass.
    “I don’t think Cassandra left Linford House for two years, except to travel to Haslemere. It was said she preferred rusticating there, but her brother finally forced her to return to town and to society. In hopes of a marriage for her, you see.”
    “I’d no idea,” Adam said thoughtfully. He cringed when he thought about the cruel way he’d taunted her about her single state. Christ, if he’d only known. Had she loved the man? What pain she must have endured. And what a prize fool he was. He’d meant to apologize last night, but after Hugh made his appearance, he’d forgotten all about it.
    He would beg her forgiveness the next time he saw her.
    Adam drove his curricle to White’s, on St. James Street, and found Jack seated at a table not far from the bay windows, personal domain of Beau Brummell. He wasn’t present today; nevertheless, no one else dared sit there in case the man himself arrived. Adam found it annoying, rather than amusing, as some did.
    The two men shook hands and Jack signaled a waiter. After ordering wine, Adam said, “You must be wondering why I requested this meeting.”
    “I admit you’ve sparked my curiosity. Although after what you said when you drank tea with us, or maybe I should say, after what Cass pried out of you, I would wager it has something to do with a seat in Commons.”
    “You would be correct.” Adam scrutinized his friend, trying to gauge his expression. He wanted to be taken seriously. If Jack felt the same as Cass, his bid would be finished before it began. “I want the other seat in Haslemere. I don’t think I can manage it without a show of your support with the electors.”
    Jack gave him a wry grin. “What electors?”
    Adam grimaced. “That bad, is it?”
    “The freeholders exercise their franchise privilege, but as you well know, the Haslemere members are elected by the grace of Sir William Broxton and myself. They’re influence seats. Have been since Queen Elizabeth’s time.”
    Adam flung out his arms. “Which is precisely why we need reform!”
    “Don’t rip up at me,” his friend said, showing Adam the palms of his hands. “I agree. I simply don’t want to be bothered to bring it about. That’s why we need men like you in Commons.”
    “You intend to support Halliwell again?” Adam asked. He thought this was the case, but needed to be certain.
    “Afraid so, old man. He’s smart, works hard, and pays attention to the good citizens of Haslemere. To the extent that he can.” He paused a moment. “What do you know of Sir William’s current man?”
    Adam barked a caustic laugh. “Not much. I’ve heard he’s doddering, in his cups much of the time, and an absentee Member for the most part. I think he is a relation of Sir William. It’s my hope the old boy is ready for retirement, but of course I’ll need to persuade Broxton to support me.”
    “Isn’t he a friend of your father’s? Speaking of whom…does he know of your plans yet?”
    Adam took a long swallow of brandy before answering. “Their friendship is a longstanding one, but I don’t know if that’s still the case. And no, my father does not know anything about my plans.”
    “What do you think his reaction will be?”
    “I’ve not seen him in many years. I imagine he has little or no interest in politics, and I’m quite sure he’s badly neglected his tenants. That won’t sit well with town folk. What little authority he may once have exercised can no longer be counted on.”
    “Well, somehow

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