A Family to Come Home To (Saddle Falls)

A Family to Come Home To (Saddle Falls) by Sharon De Vita Read Free Book Online

Book: A Family to Come Home To (Saddle Falls) by Sharon De Vita Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon De Vita
understood Jesse Garland, knew his history, his past, knew everything about him. Jesse Garland was who he was comfortable with, and that wasn’t about to change now, not because of a few remembered memories.
    Or a childhood friend.
    He’d do well to remember that.
    Besides, he wasn’t here for the long haul. A short visit and he was on his way back home. The thought helped to soothe some of his emotional turmoil.
    “I’m thirsty, Mama.” Riley rolled her eyes. “Real thirsty. And you said we could have some ice cream before we went to Uncle Tommy’s.” Riley bent and scratched a mosquito bite on her knee.
    At Jesse’s surprised look, Hannah felt the need to explain. “I work for Tommy. As his cook,” she clarified, lifting her hands out of her shorts pockets to wipe them on the jean material. She hadn’t realized how nervous she was until now. “Mrs. Taylor, Tommy’s cook, finally retired, and he offered me the job. So I took it,” she added with a shrug. If she expected some hint of recognition at the mention of Mrs. Taylor, she was disappointed. Jesse gave no reaction.
    “Well, I guess I’d better get going then,” Jesse said with a slow, lazy smile that sent her pulse scrambling. As much as he’d dreaded the actual meeting with Tommy Ryan, meeting Hannah had stirred him up just as much and he felt the need to leave, to take some time to put things in perspective. “I’ve taken up enough of your time.”
    “Wait, Jesse.” Hannah touched his arm before turning to her daughter, indicating she wanted to speak to him. Alone. “Sweetheart, why don’t you go inside and get yourself some of the cookies Mama baked this morning?”
    “Can I have three?” Riley asked, holding up three fingers and making Jesse smile.
    “Yes, honey, but only three. Remember, we’re going to take them over to Uncle Tommy’s with us, and besides, I don’t want you to ruin your dinner.” She gave her daughter’s backside an affectionate pat. “Go on now, I’ll put your bike away for you.”
    “Thanks, Mama.” Riley lifted her face to Jesse’s and gifted him with a brilliant smile. “Bye, Uncle Jesse.” She waved several fingers at him. He waved back.
    “Bye, Miss Riley,” he said with a smile. “It sure was a pleasure meeting you.”
    She giggled again, then skipped off toward the back porch. Hannah waited until the door shut behind Riley before turning to Jesse.
    “She’s a beautiful little girl,” Jesse said, surprising her. “Her daddy must be real proud of her.”
    Hannah stiffened. “Riley doesn’t have a daddy. She has me, and I’m all she needs.”
    Well now, Jesse thought, glancing at Hannah curiously. There was more than a little resentment laced through those words, he thought. It was curious. What kind of man walked away from a beautiful child like that? he wondered. Certainly no man he’d ever known. Or wanted to know.
    “Jesse, please, listen to me.” Unconsciously, Hannah wrung her hands together to gather her thoughts. The last thing she wanted was to get into a discussion of her personal life—or, rather, lack of it. Or her marital status or lack of it. Or Riley’s parental situation—or lack of it, realizing that in spite of the years that had passed she still felt a bit of shame at having been so young, so stupid and so very duped. Her personal life was not the point. Right now she wanted—needed—to talk to him about Tommy.
    “Jesse, look, I can understand how difficult this must be for you—” His chuckle caught her by surprise and she glanced up at him. “What? What’s so funny?” Annoyance tinged her tone and he slowly shook his head again.
    “Trust me, darlin’, there is no way anyone could have a clue how difficult all this is. You grow up believing you’re one person, and then one day you’re supposed to accept that you’re another person, with a whole different family history…” His voice trailed off. “And you think you know how difficult this is? There’s

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