A Gentle Feuding

A Gentle Feuding by Johanna Lindsey Read Free Book Online

Book: A Gentle Feuding by Johanna Lindsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Johanna Lindsey
end the feud for good.”
    Sheena stiffened. “Dinna listen to him, Father!Just let the man go. For his release, make him give his word to end the feud.”
    “The word of a MacKinnion is worthless,” William said flatly.
    “You dinna know that!” Sheena turned on him hotly, eyes flashing.
    “Enough blathering,” Dugald interjected angrily. “This doesna concern you, Sheena, so get you gone.”
    “Go! Your betrothed comes this night to plan the wedding, so prepare yourself.” He waited until she had stalked from the hall before he looked at his son. “Off with you, too, Niall. And so there’ll be no mistake, if you go near the prisoner again, ’tis the English court for you!”
    Sheena waited on the stairs for Niall, but the distance was too great for her to hear what William was telling her father. But she knew.
    “God help me, Niall, I dinna know what I’ll do if I’m given to The MacKinnion.”
    “Dinna talk like that,” he scolded.
    “I hate William!” she hissed furiously. “I swear I’d kill him if I didna think I’d burn in hell for it.”
    “You’re worrying ’afore the fact, Sheena. ’Tis doubtful Father would listen to Willie this time. You’re already betrothed. ’Twould mean breaking that and starting a feud with the MacDonoughs.”
    “You think that would matter if a MacKinnion match were possible?”
    Niall frowned. “I know, but you’re still worrying’afore you should. There’s naught to say The MacKinnion would accept you. Why should he?”
    “I said the same to William, but he claims any man would want me if he saw me,” she replied miserably. “Och, why do I have to look like this!”
    Niall’s heart sank as he remembered. The MacKinnion had seen Sheena. And he did want her. She was terrified of him, and Niall could not blame her. Only what could he do to help her?
    “He doesna know you’re the one he wants, Sheena,” Niall tried to reassure her.
    Her brow knit in curiosity. “Now what did you mean by that, I’d like to know?”
    “I…I mean he hasna seen you yet, so he canna know if he would want you or no’.”
    “Aye, but what if Father shows me to him?”
    “I’ll hide you if I have to,” Niall said impulsively, reminding Sheena that he was, after all, just a child.
    “I wish you could, Niall, but I’d like to know where a body could hide on the open moor. There’s no crofter would go against their laird to take me in.”
    “I’ll think of something. Dinna fear.”
    For his sake, she smiled. “I’ll hold you to that, little brother. For I swear I’ll no’ wed James MacKinnion. I’d rather die.”

Chapter 7
    J amie shielded his eyes against the sudden light. And then, just as abruptly, a large bundle was pushed through the trapdoor. Bedding? Even a pillow? Jamie frowned. Why would he be getting special treatment? The light disappeared and then returned as a rope ladder slid through the opening. A man started climbing down the ladder. He had two hefty sacks tied to a rope strung behind his neck. He set them down as soon as he reached the floor and turned to face Jamie.
    “Your dinner,” he said, indicating the sacks. “There’s wine, and a candle, and some other things.”
    Jamie kept his face blank. “You treat all your prisoners so lavishly?”
    “I’ll no’ be mincing words with you, lad. I know who you are. We’ve no’ met ’afore face-to-face, but I’m Dugald Fergusson.”
    Jamie got to his feet. It was only common courtesy.
    “And who is it I’m supposed to be?” he asked.
    Dugald raised a reddish brow. “You deny you’re James MacKinnion?”
    Jamie sighed. “Nay, I’ll no’ deny it. So where does that leave us, Fergusson?”
    “I dinna like it that you’re here any more than you do. But as it is, I have you, and I would be a fool no’ to benefit from it.”
    “Naturally.” Jamie sighed. “Have you contacted my clan then?”
    “Nay,” Dugald replied with a slight hesitancy. “I’ll no’ deal with

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