A Gentlewoman's Dalliance

A Gentlewoman's Dalliance by Portia Da Costa Read Free Book Online

Book: A Gentlewoman's Dalliance by Portia Da Costa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Portia Da Costa
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Short Stories (Single Author)
flannel, perhaps, but still Mary grinned. “Indeed, I do find that I have many inclinations of which I was previously unaware.” She paused, imagining for a moment that a faint fragrance rose from the desk, even though the blotting paper was new and the surface thoroughly polished. Drawing in the imagined scents, she seemed to smell the foxy odors of congress, a hint of perspiration and the artificial aromas of male shaving lotion—Benedict’s exotica and Leonard’s delicious citrus. “In fact, I’d go so far as to say that I’m almost considering becoming a specialist myself!”
    Sofia’s eyes widened. “Good gracious, Mary…surely not with Mr. Holcombe? I…I don’t believe that’s his predilection, if you get my drift. He prefers to play a purely active role in these matters.”
    Mary gave her friend a sideways look. “I agree…that’s the impression I’ve formed. Although I also sense that many gentlemen are prepared to make all sorts of concessions if the rewards are sufficient.”
    â€œMary! You’re becoming quite outrageous.”
    â€œI fear I am, Sofia…I fear I am. And do you know, I don’t really give a fig.” With a swish of her skirts, Mary led the way to one of the chesterfields, the very one from which Benedict had observed her and Leonard. “I’m anxious to learn all manner of variations, and subject to his commitments, dear Benedict has offered to provide some instruction.”
    â€œBut what of your husband? What are his feelings in all this?”
    Leonard’s hot eyes seemed to gleam at her, watching, watching, while his dear lips curved into a smile of admiration.
    â€œOh, he’s all for my education, don’t you know. He loves to both watch and to participate…and then to…well, reap the benefits afterward.”
    â€œI would imagine he does!” Sofia laughed, conspiratorially, and Mary was the one to do the imagining. The handsome Monsieur Chamfleur probably reaped a good deal of benefits himself.
    â€œI take my hat off to you, Mary,” her friend said warmly, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. “Of all the Ladies of the Circle, you’re the one I most hoped would come around to our enlightened way of thinking, and finally you have, with a most delicious gusto. I’m so proud of you.” Her grin widened. “At this rate you’ll soon be giving even Arabella and Prudence a run for their money!”
    The two women hugged, and then, as they parted, Mary continued, “So, if you know a likely candidate, would you be able to introduce me to another of your gentlemen, perhaps? One who entertains the necessary preferences to assist me with my needs?”
    Sofia nodded approvingly, her eyes twinkling. “You are incorrigible, Mary Brigstock. A natural born voluptuary. But I do believe I know just the fellow.”
    In the middle of a most titillating description of the candidate’s qualities, the high jingle of the doorbell rang out downstairs. It seemed that the rest of the members of the Circle were starting to arrive.
    â€œSo, will you tell our sisters about your latest dalliances, Mary?” inquired Sofia as they made for the door on their way to greet the newcomers.
    Mary paused for consideration. There weren’t many of the group who actually came out and revealed all. Most were more oblique, more circumspect, apart from one or two very notable exceptions.
    â€œI think perhaps I’ll relate it as a game of the imagination rather than an actual event, Sofia.” She reached for the doorknob, glancing back into the room. “That might be the more discreet approach, n’est pas? ”
    â€œIndeed. Much more prudent,” agreed Sofia, her gaze flitting once again to the blotter. “Although I sincerely don’t think any one of them will be fooled for as much as a moment!”
    â€œYou’re probably

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