A Grave Exchange

A Grave Exchange by Jane White Pillatzke Read Free Book Online

Book: A Grave Exchange by Jane White Pillatzke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane White Pillatzke
no less, and you have my blessing, but only under two conditions. I shall ring you throughout the day to be sure you are safe ; I do not know when King Ca simiro will make his presence known. I fear it will happen very soon. And two, you’ll allow me to take you there myself. I won’t have you walking the streets alone. ”
    I shuddered and nuzzled into Lucius’ neck . He groaned , but gently eased me away and off his lap.
    “S hower . G et yourself ready , and then I shall drive you to work.”
    Reluctantly , I left him and walked into an amazing bathroom . The floor and walls were al l tiled a beautiful ivory color ; the mirrors were wrapped in a beautiful , ornate , gold frame, reminiscent of Snow White’s evil step mom . L aughing to myself , I turned on the shower, and then stepped underneath a glorious , steaming cascade of hot water that drown ed my fears and cleansed away the aches and pains, readying me for the day ahead . I reached for Lucius’ shower get, brought the bottle to me nose, and sniffed. The rich , wood s y smell reminded me of him and suited him perfectly . H ands slid down my arms , and I jumped and yelped.
    “Easy. It’s just me.” Lucius nuzzled my neck from behind as he enveloped me in a huge hug . He chuckled and grabbed the gel bottle out of my hand . “I need to shower too , little Ivy.”
    He released me and I turned to watch as he lathered up and slowly started rubbing the gel all over his exquisite body . My mouth went dry as I watched hi m . I could have stood there looking at him all day, but I had to hurry , now. With a heavy sigh, I turned away from him and finished my own lathering . Lucius grabbed a sponge and rubbed it over my back . How I finished my shower without becoming thoroughly distracted, I will never know , but a few minutes later, I slowly stepped out of the shower cubicle and reached for a towel from the heated rail . I w rapp ed it around my body , drinking in the warmth, but notic ing it didn’t make me feel nearly as good as being in Lucius’ arms . A pile of clothes sat neatly folded on the counter, and as I reached for them, I realized they were mine, and someone had actually washed them . I t urn ed to face Lucius as he stepped out of the shower behind me.
    “How did my clothes get cleaned? The last thing I remember, they were lying in a heap on the floor.”
    “I have two people who live with me here, one is my loyal companion for nearly a century , Fausto . He helps me with my day - to - day work and organizes my many charity functions . Gregorio is my house help; he cleans and makes meals for my guests.”
    Once again, I suffered through a feeling of inadequacy. Even my smile felt awkward.
    “Ivy , I told you before , there’s no reason for you to feel like that. I have lived a long time, I have worked hard , and yes, I’ve amassed some wealth. T hese men are loyal to me ; you can be yourself around them . T hey will help you in any way they possibly can . They have already been told to be of complete service to you any time you need them .”
    I did not know what to say to any of this , so I walked up to Lucius and wrapped my arms around him . I held him close and rested my head on his chest . He stroked my wet hair , but after a moment, he took my hand .
    “Come, I will get you to work.”
    We descended the stairs of his beautiful home, and stepped out onto the front porch . J ust as we were about to descend the steps , a man came out the door behind us. Tall and thin, he wore a dark , form al suit .
    “Sir, ” he said, confirming my suspicions he was one of Lucius’ assistants. “T here is a phone call for you.”
    The man then turned to me and gave a brief nod . I nodded back , but kept silent.
    “Ivy , I shall be but a moment . Please , go ahead and get into the car.”
    I released his hand I’d still been holding and descended the steps . The man who’d come to tell Lucius about the phone call followed me. As I reached Lucius’

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