A Killer Stitch

A Killer Stitch by Maggie Sefton Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: A Killer Stitch by Maggie Sefton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Sefton
clues,” Kelly joked.
    Jennifer stared across the table, her smile disappearing. “You know, I spoke with my friend Diane yesterday. She’s a wreck. Crying and almost hysterical when I finally reached her. She kept saying, ‘I can’t believe he’s dead,’ over and over, and ‘I should have stayed, I should have stayed.’ That worried me, so I asked what she meant, and she couldn’t even answer at first. Then she blurted out she had gone over to Derek’s place that night.”
    Kelly’s needles stopped their rhythmic movements. “You mean the night Derek was killed?”
    Jennifer nodded, staring at the blue and white yarn in her lap, needles moving slower now. “Yeah. I asked her why, and she told me Derek had called and begged her to come out. Said he wanted to make up after their last fight. So she drove up to his ranch. But when she got there, they started fighting again so she left.”
    â€œI thought he was going with Lucy. What’s he doing, keeping two girls at the same time?”
    â€œI told you. That’s Derek’s style. I’m sorry Lucy got involved with him, but I’m sorrier for Diane. Derek was up to his old tricks with her. Fighting with her, then begging Diane to come back to him, then he walks all over her again.” Jennifer’s tone had grown increasingly bitter.
    â€œDerek sounds like a real bastard.”
    â€œOhhhh, he was a piece of work, for sure.”
    Kelly chose her next words carefully. “Sounds like he and Diane had a love-hate relationship.”
    â€œThat’s pretty accurate. And I can tell what you’re thinking, Kelly, and there’s no way Diane could have killed Derek. She’s hotheaded, sure, but she’s not violent. Not really.”
    â€œDo the police know Diane went up there that night?”
    Jennifer’s shoulders drooped. “No, but they will. I’m sure they’re interviewing everybody at the bar. They’ll be eager to tell the cops about Diane and Derek.”
    â€œWhere did Diane go after she left Derek? Did she tell you?”
    Jennifer shook her head. “I didn’t ask her, but I should have.” Jennifer stared across the table once more, then stuffed her knitting into the bag. “I should call her. In fact, I’d better go over there right now before she goes into a dive.”
    â€œA dive?”
    Jennifer rose from her chair. “Yeah, whenever she and Derek would have a blowout, Diane would go out on a binge, drinking. Then she’d sink even lower when she sobered up. Maybe I can reach her beforehand. The last thing she needs is for the police to knock on her door with questions, and she’s passed out, drunk. I’ll talk to you later, Kelly.” With that, she hurried from the room.
    Kelly let Jennifer’s words filter through her mind. They certainly didn’t paint a very flattering picture of Diane. Binge-drinking, passing out drunk. Jennifer made it sound like this had been happening for quite a while. Not good. Particularly if the police come calling. Diane would definitely need a clear head for their questions.
    She took a long sip of her coffee and wondered if Lucy knew anything about Derek’s other lovers. Some women were drawn to the “bad boys,” and would forgive them anything. Kelly remembered some of the various and sundry bad boys who had flitted through her life. Most had never stayed around long, no doubt sensing that she would be less than tolerant of their transgressions.
    All except one. Jeff the Slime. Smooth, and very, very clever at concealing his sneaky side. Old memories darted from the bushes, aiming their barbs at her like before. But their sting was weaker now, Kelly noticed. Barely skin-deep.
    â€œKelly, have you seen my knitting bag? I misplaced it,” Megan’s voice interrupted as she raced into the room.
    Kelly glanced about the familiar clutter in the middle of the

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