A Kink in Her Tails

A Kink in Her Tails by Sahara Kelly Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: A Kink in Her Tails by Sahara Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sahara Kelly
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, BDSM, Short Stories
all right?”
    Eve laughed. “I have no idea. You’d better tell me…” She opened the door and rather shyly peeked out.
    Adele smiled. “C’mon, Eve. Nothing new for me. I shot the spread for Fetish Fun and Foreplay , remember?”
    Eve blushed as she stepped through the door.
    “Hey, cool nipple beads. I like those,” said Adele, stepping back and surveying Eve critically. “The thong is really great. Just perfect. You do need these, however. Just to complete the picture.” She was holding out lace topped thigh high hosiery in one hand and a pair of black spiked high heeled shoes in another. “You don’t have to walk in ‘em, and I’ll guarantee you won’t have them on for long.” Eve felt the color spread down over her breasts. “Jeez Adele. I feel silly.”
    “Nonsense. You look fabulous.” Adele helped her pull the hose up to her thighs and steadied her as she slipped into the shoes. “Now…the last touch,” and Adele whipped something out from her bag.
    “Oh God. Handcuffs. Adele, you devil…” breathed Eve.
    Adele grinned. “No point in doing all this and leaving off an important part. Here. Give me your wrists.
    Better still, get up on the bed and let’s get you ready.”
    Eve clambered awkwardly onto the top of her bed. Her heels were distracting, and she could feel her thong slipping around and over her soft folds as she spread her legs and sank down onto her knees.
    “Good. Now,” Adele stepped back and viewed the scene critically. Eve could almost see her mind calculating exposures and lighting. “Move this here…” She tugged Eve’s legs moving them to either side of her body. “You comfortable like that?”
    Eve wriggled a bit. “Sure. Not for an hour, mind you, but for a little while.”
    “Good.” Adele fastened the cuffs around each of Eve’s wrists, and grabbed the delicate leash chain. She twisted the collar around so that the ring was in front and the buckle in back of Eve’s neck.
    With a quick click she secured the chain to Eve’s wrists, binding her. Eve could move, but her hands were pretty much secured together.
    A rush of excitement flooded her as she realized she really would be at Simon’s mercy. Maybe there was more to this bondage stuff than she’d realized.
    “Cool. I think that should do it. Oh…I’m going to leave Matilda here,” and she draped Eve’s flogger across the pillows of the bed. Eve had named the toy “Matilda,” insisting that it was soft and furry and deserving of an identity. She chatted to it occasionally, stroked its fur as she passed it on a regular basis, and had merely sniffed when Adele asked dryly what she fed it and if it was house-trained.

    “It’s now ten of seven. I’m out of here.”
    “Adele?” Eve’s voice cracked slightly. “Thanks.”
    Adele grinned at her and raised her hand to her forehead in a mock salute. “Anything for the cause, Eve.
    Power to us women. You’ll have him drooling and slobbering within three minutes. No question about it.
    Call me, okay?”
    “Sure. And thanks…”
    Adele gathered her bag and left the room, the sound of the front door closing as she left echoing around the now-still apartment.
    Eve’s heart began thumping and she shifted, aware of her nipples as the beads swung from them, tugging them slightly.
    It was very arousing, and the whole outfit was serving as a kind of fashion foreplay.
    She thought about Simon, coming into her apartment and looking for her. Finding her, dressed like “ Fetish Female of the Week,” and waiting for him. Would he like it? Would he hate it? Worst of all, would he just collapse with laughter?
    Could she survive if he did?
    And overriding all these concerns was the worry that he might not understand what she was trying to tell him with her amateur theatrics. That she wanted him to know she trusted him enough to submit to him.
    That she was allowing herself to be vulnerable before him, giving him something she’d never given anyone

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