A Little Bit Scandalous
hide any curves she might possess, and it seemed she’d done something to dull what Roe suspected would be a natural glow to her cheeks and lips. Perhaps it was the soot that marred her complexion. The flat cap she wore covered her eyes so he couldn’t determine their color.
    He dealt the cards and watched her as she studied her hand.
    Her hands were small, with fingers that were long and delicate. Her nails were blunt and covered in soot. No doubt she was trying to pass for a chimney sweep.
    She had taken great care with her disguise and it had obviously worked, since she’d been successfully playing at Rodale’s for nearly two months. It was on Roe’s mind to inquire as to how much money she’d acquired in that amount of time, but he kept the question to himself. Perhaps it was best asked later, once her identity had been revealed.
    “Now then, shall we play?”
    Again she inclined her head, obviously taking great care not to speak overly much. He’d noticed this about her the other times they’d played. Perhaps her voice was too feminine. That was how he could get her to reveal herself. Get her talking and open the door for him to call her out.
    She asked for a card, then decided to stay with her hand. He looked at his own cards, took one, then another. Eighteen. She flipped hers over, revealing a twenty. She won. He handed her the deck for her deal.
    “How long have you been playing?”
    She dealt them each a hand. “Since I was young.”
    He listened for signs of a French accent, but found none. That didn’t mean her family couldn’t be French. “Did your father teach you?” he asked.
    She shook her head.
    “My father didn’t teach me, either. It was a mate from school. He was originally from France, but he ended up at Eton. I’ve been playing ever since.” She was quite crafty at avoiding lengthy conversations. Perhaps she was shy, but he suspected it was more to hide her identity. He wasn’t deterred by her short answers. “Have you been in London long?”
    Briefly, her eyes—lovely brown eyes—flickered to his, then she looked back down at the table. There was something about those eyes, something oddly familiar. “Your Grace, I’d prefer to focus my attention on my cards.”
    “Very well.” So, conversation was not going to work. He’d need another tactic. They played in silence for several hands, her winning some, him winning the others. She truly was a worthy opponent. He almost hated to unveil her identity since doing so would most certainly mean the end of their rivalry.

Chapter Four
    Caroline did her very best to focus on her cards and the ones coming out of the deck. She felt certain she had an accurate count, but damnation if Roe wouldn’t stop talking. And damnation also that the lighting in his study was so much clearer and brighter than it had been at Rodale’s. She could see his features all the more, which meant he could see her features as well. He was still as bloody handsome as she remembered him being, if not more so. And just as cavalier.
    She should never have accepted this invitation. Should never have come here. Her foolish pride and arrogance is what brought her here. She was determined to beat him, to walk out of his house with a fatter purse. Winning money from him somehow would mean more. But that was asinine. His money was no different than any other man’s.
    Only two more days until she could see the state of her family home, and then she’d truly know what kind of funds she needed. Until then, she’d keep playing and winning. But for tonight, she could play only a few more hands. His scrutiny was making her nervous, and she was far more likely to make a mathematical error when she was addled.
    She checked her hand—a six and a four. He’d stayed with his, not asking for any additional cards, so she knew he had a good hand.
    “How many women have you bedded?”
    Her breath caught in her throat. Good heavens. Was that truly what men discussed? Was it a

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