A Masterpiece Of Our Love (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 1)

A Masterpiece Of Our Love (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 1) by Nikki Lynn Barrett Read Free Book Online

Book: A Masterpiece Of Our Love (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 1) by Nikki Lynn Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Lynn Barrett
anyone outside when they were walking around, but it didn't mean someone hadn't slipped by them without either of them seeing the person. Acid churned in his stomach. Something wasn't right. When they arrived at the dock, Hunter dropped the items in his hand and rushed to the edge. Dark clouds had gathered, and lightning sliced the air in the distance. A brisk wind blew from the storm's direction. He searched the waters for a sign of their boat. He spotted it, floating among the choppy waves about two hundred yards ahead. So, at least someone hadn't stolen the boat. He could just swim over and bring it back. Then the only worry was getting back to the main island before the storm hit. Taking a deep breath, Hunter flung his shirt off and tossed it on top of the blanket. Then he pulled out his cell phone and wallet and handed them to Becca. "I'm going to go get the boat. I'll be back real fast."
    She took the items from his outstretched hand, her full lips turned down in a worried frown. "You be careful, okay?"
    "I will. Keep an eye out. Something isn't right. I'd better hurry now, before the boat goes even further." That water would be cold, but he didn't care. The faster he got the boat and had Becca safely on it, the safer he'd feel. He didn't even like the idea of leaving her on the dock alone, but he wasn't about to have her swim all the way out there with him. On a silent count to three, Hunter jumped into the water. Even though he anticipated the cold, it still hit him with a shock through his entire body. He shouted before his head went below the surface for a moment. When he gained his composure and his body became slightly accustomed to the cold, he stretched his arms out and swam toward the boat. He wanted to turn around and look at Becca, but decided against it. His mind raced. Adrenaline pumped through his body, pushing harder and harder to swim through the chilly, dark waters. Just as he feared, those storm clouds were heading this way. Sheets of rain fell in the distance and the lightning became more frequent. If it came any closer, they just might have to hold up on the island somewhere until it passed. Damn it!
    Water slapped his face, but he kept his pace to make it to the boat. He could have paid more attention at the dock to see if this was intentional or if he'd simply forgotten, but at this point all he wanted to do was get in the water and to the boat. This wasn't the day he'd expected with Becca.
    His legs were starting to tire. They weren't pushing with as much force. Almost there. He could see the boat easily now. There weren't any more boaters on the water now. They'd probably paid more attention to the weather than he had. The storm's fury seemed to be intensifying at an alarmingly fast rate. Thunder rumbled almost constantly.
    Finally, he reached the boat. Hunter grabbed the sides and hoisted himself up. As he stood up on the boat, droplets of water splattering on the floor, he rushed to start the engine. He had to get to Becca now. As another strong gust of wind blew, Hunter shivered.
    "I made it. I made it," he chanted quietly. Time to get this baby started and get back to the dock. He cast a wary glance at the darkening skies. No, he didn't think they were going to make it at all. He wasn't too happy about having to find a place to stay on the island, but he wasn't about to drag Becca on the waters in this storm.
    It reminded him too much of that night and the surprising storm they'd encountered. Everything had been fine. It had been smooth riding up until that storm.
    His legs trembled heavily as he pulled the cord to start the engine. It took three tries before the boat roared to life. He gripped the wheel and focused on getting back. He spotted Becca on the dock, but was still too far away to make out her expression. Her long locks of hair flowed behind her, whipping in the wind gusts. "I'm on my way," he muttered out loud. He chuckled. He really did talk to himself a lot. No wonder Becca got a

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