A May-September Wedding

A May-September Wedding by Bill Sanderson Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: A May-September Wedding by Bill Sanderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bill Sanderson
Tags: Romance, Christian, ottawa, widowed
ninety pounds."
    Cal stuck out
his tongue at his daughter. "That wouldn't make a difference to the
judge. He'd probably say that Tyler is lucky it was only his knee
that you took out."
    "I wasn't
aiming for his knee. It just got in the way."
    David was over
to drop off some tools he'd borrowed when he noticed the formal
kilt outfit in the dry cleaner's bag by the front closet.
    "Got a wedding
to go to, Dad?"
    "No, it's the
literacy fund raiser. I thought I'd dress up this year. Brenda only
let me wear it on Burns Day or at the Highland Games. She thought
all of the Scottish stuff was silly, but I think it's fun."
    "So why aren't
you wearing the red, yellow and green kilt?"
    "The hunting
is more sombre. I'm still in mourning, even if I am going to wear a
kilt. Besides I don't want to upstage my date too much."
    "A date? Isn't
that a bit soon?"
    "Well, it's
been five months since the funeral. And I haven't missed a literacy
fundraiser in more than twenty years. So I'm going to the gala to
honour Brenda's memory, but I'm going to be rebellious and wear the
    "So who are
you taking? I didn't think there were many single women your age
who were properly single."
    "You know,
widowed or never married. I know you're pretty hard line on
divorce. Anyway, who did you find?"
    "Well, if you
must know, I asked Phyl to accompany me."
    "Phyl? Aw,
Dad, you'll look like an old fool if you take her. Besides you
always told us that we shouldn't go out with someone unless we were
considering the person as a potential spouse."
    "And what if I
am?" Cal wasn't considering marrying Phyl, but it wasn't up to his
kids to decide who his friends were.
    David lost it.
"You know what everyone will say, Dad. It'll be just like Jack
Littleton all over again. All your friends will be laughing at you
behind your back."
    Cal took a
calming breath. "Phyl Schuyler is not Brittany James. She older,
she's a widow and she's my best friend. And I'm going to the
fundraiser with her."
    David said, as
he turned to go, "Well, Dad, I hope you know what you're doing.
Phyl isn't so different from Brittany."
    Cal stood
there with his blood pressure rising, debating going after David.
Felicity came forward, "Dad, let it go. David hates Mum for some
    Cal let
himself calm down. "Well, I should probably get ready for tonight.
Will you guys be okay?"
    "Yep. Tim's
are okay with watching the Sens-Leafs game on the small TV. Brian's
working tonight so Elaine is bringing over Emily and we're going to
watch Despicable Me and hope Emily falls
asleep early enough so we can watch New Moon together. Elaine says she's glad that someone in
the family appreciates a good romance movie."
    Phyl was
singing quietly as she got ready for the evening. The literacy
fundraiser was always a good night out: good conversation with real
adults, good food and lots of dancing even if Harry had two left
feet. Cal was a great dancer and there were always several of
Brenda's friends whose wives didn't really like to dance, so she
rarely got time to sit down. She sighed at the memories of good
    The four of
them had gone the previous year and eight of the previous ten,
missing only when she was hugely pregnant with Tim and the time
when the whole family was stricken with the flu.
    She'd always
enjoyed the evening out. Dave Smith was usually the Master of
Ceremonies and the chef at the Westin always put on an inspired
spread because it was one of his favourite causes, too. There was a
silent auction that was always fun to tour and lots of Chapters
gift cards as door prizes. And this year they had a major coup with
the Powder Blues Band providing the music for the dancing. They
hadn't been east of Regina in almost six years, so there should be
a good turnout even at a hundred dollars a plate.
    Dancing. Phyl
smiled as she put on her makeup. Dancing with Cal. It was always
fun because he knew all the steps and he was exactly the right
height and he was so

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