A May-September Wedding

A May-September Wedding by Bill Sanderson Read Free Book Online

Book: A May-September Wedding by Bill Sanderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bill Sanderson
Tags: Romance, Christian, ottawa, widowed
with me."
    They stood in
front of the mirror and Phyl said, "I think you're taller than me
now. And almost as wide." She pondered for a bit then said, "I
don't think very much will suit you because we aren't the same
shape, but go ahead." Phyl picked up the clothes on the end of the
bed and hung them back up in her now spacious closet.
    Lydia ran
downstairs to get a blue recycle bag and began to sort through the
dresses. "You don't mind me getting them ready to give away?"
    Phyl had to
suppress a snicker as she began to sort through old blouses and
slacks. "No, I should have done this while I was sorting through
your Papa's things" She turned around to see Lydia trying on a
peacock blue halter dress that made her look much older than her
thirteen years. She felt a strange mix of emotions seeing Lydia
look so grown up but found her Mum voice and said, "If you wear
that, you don't wear makeup."
    "No buts. You
don't want to give the boys the wrong impression. You look
beautiful enough in the dress without makeup." Phyl didn't want the
boys thinking her daughter was interested in dating.
    Lydia sighed.
"Okay, Mum. But can I wear it to the dance at school?"
    Phyl almost
said no, but remembered it was an afternoon activity in a fully lit
gym. "Sure."
    Lydia bounced
like the little girl she could still be and hugged her mother.
    "The literacy
gala? That's nice, Dad. Mom would be very glad to know that you're
still supporting her favourite cause. Are you going solo?" Elaine
sounded pleased that her father was getting out of the house.
    "No, I've got
a date." Cal was non-committal. "How's Emily?" he asked in an
attempt to change the subject.
    "She's fine,
Dad, but I'd rather talk about your date. Who are you going with?"
Elaine sounded very curious.
    "Well," he
paused then said, "it's Phyl Schuyler, actually."
    There was a
pause before Elaine said, in a neutral tone that could only be
disapproving, "I see."
    Cal felt a
flash of irritation. "Phyl and Harry went with us most years. You
babysat the kids a couple of times."
    "I know that,
Dad, but Phyl? Isn't she..." Elaine hesitated.
    "I don't mean
that." Cal could almost see Elaine blushing.
    "Well then
what do you mean? That I'm not capable of getting a beautiful woman
to go out with me?" Cal let his irritation creep into his
    "Just forget I
said anything."
    "Elaine, just
remember that I've know Phyl since before Felicity was born. We're
good friends. That's all. Besides, she deserves a night out for
taking Felicity next week and I know she loves to dance."
    "What's next
    "I'm part of a
team that's headed to Washington to explore the possibility of
buying some used helicopters from the US Coast Guard to replace our
search and rescue choppers."
    "You know we'd
take Felicity, Dad."
    "I know that
Elli, but it would be a big change in your daily schedule. Felicity
walks to school with Lydia and they end up sharing a bedroom two or
three nights a week anyway because they're up late talking. I don't
know what they have to talk about when they spend sixteen hours a
day together. In any case, Phyl says it's no more trouble to look
after the two of them than one."
    Elaine thought
about saying something, but something in her father's tone
suggested that the matter was closed, so she began, "I'll be happy
to come over to spend the evening with the girls but I have to tell
you something else, Dad. It's actually why I called. I'm expecting
    Cal whooped.
"That's wonderful news Elli. When are you due?"
    "In early
March. I wanted to wait until I was at least three months along
before I said anything to anyone."
    Cal remembered
the several miscarriages that Elaine had gone through before
finally bringing Emily to full term. "That's great news. How is
Brian taking it?"
    "Well, he's
started treating me like I'm made of blown glass again. It's very
sweet but I can still stand up long enough to wash dishes." Elaine
laughed and launched into some

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