A Memory Away
“I’m not a virgin!” Looking ever more amused the guy waited until Kyle finished moodily, “But I don’t do this all the time either. I don’t...hook-up.”
The man treated him to another one of those intense stares and then a smile of pure sin curved his full mouth. “You wanna?” Both of his big hands slid around to cup Kyle’s ass and he lifted him onto his toes and rubbed their crotches together teasingly. “You want to hook up with me?”
Kyle ’s eyes fluttered closed as the heat from the man’s hands seemed to burn straight through the seat of his jeans and spoke the word that would change his life forever. “Yes.”
They were stopped twice before they made it to the bathroom to get necessary supplies and then on to the alley out back of the club. Once by Megan – looking incredulously at Kyle and only reluctantly accepting his hot stranger’s word that he would be returned unharmed when Kyle glared and all but stomped his foot to make her disappear – and once by a slender Asian looking man who had a brief exchange with the stranger before looking at Kyle with a roll of his eyes and sending them on their way with a slap to his buddy’s shoulder. 
No more words were spoken between them and Kyle found himself pressed up against the wall outside the back of the club very shortly after. Although definitely more inexperienced than his partner in this area Kyle wasn’t one to let that hold him back. He was a firm believer in grasping every opportunity life had to offer and he wasn’t about to let anything get the way of taking full advantage of it. His hands were just as active as his partner’s and they raced to undo each other’s pants and delve inside. Kyle gasped when he shoved his hand inside damp heat first and found that his partner hadn’t bothered with underwear. He gasped again when a large hand shoved inside his own soft cotton boxers and wrapped around him. They licked and bit at each other’s skin and mouths, trading bitten off curses and words until finally the bigger man pulled back and said, “Can I fuck you?”
Kyle blinked up at him and tilted his head back on a moan when the guy pulled his hand out of Kyle’s pants and shoved up the tails of his fitted shirt, looking down in satisfaction when his big hands all but spanned Kyle’s waist. He swallowed hard when he felt teeth graze his throat and his mouth fell open when a wet stripe was licked from the base of his neck to the lobe of one ear.
The guy spoke again. “Can I fuck you? I got what we need. It’ll be safe.” He pressed his mouth directly to Kyle’s ear and promised temptingly, “It’ll be good.”
“Yes,” Kyle brought his hands up to the man’s head and forced it back until he could look him in the eye. “Yes.” He sucked in a breath when his mouth was taken in a hard and fast kiss and then the world spun as he was flipped to face the wall and his jeans and underwear yanked down to mid-thigh. The man behind him wasted no time in ripping open the small tube of lube he had gotten along with a condom in the bathroom and Kyle stifled a yelp when a warm, slippery finger thrust unerringly between his cheeks and slid inside. He bit his lip and closed his eyes, breathing deep because although he wasn’t a virgin he wasn’t exactly an old hand at this either and then his whole body felt like it had been struck by lightning when the broad finger hit that place inside and the world went away.
One finger became two and then became three and then Kyle was left panting for air and spread-eagled against the wall when the man pulled his hand away and took hold of Kyle’s hips to pull him back and tilt his ass up. He felt his shirt being pushed to midway up his back and then the feel of soft lips pressing gently down where he had a strawberry birthmark just to the left of his spine. He shivered and the man straightened and took one of his hands to guide it back and touch his now latex sheathed cock. “We good?”

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