A Memory Away
cautious because since moving to New York he had become aware that his rather young looks attracted a certain...type...of admirers and he had no wish to fend off yet more unwanted advances from someone whose idea of a good time was to bend him over in tightie-whities and spank his butt while he called them daddy.
Fun though that might be on, mutually agreed, occasion.
He laughed when Carlos, one of his classmates, slipped behind him and began to gyrate against his ass, slipping his hands along Kyle’s arms until their hands laced together and then pulling his arms out to the side and up over their heads. Kyle was bowed backwards and almost on his toes with no choice but to follow the movements of Carlos’ body as they danced. With his mouth still stretched in a happy smile, Kyle had turned his head to say something to Carlos over the music and stared when his eyes connected with the heated gaze of a man dancing a few feet away. Built much bigger than Kyle, he stood a few inches taller with a thick strip of dark hair running centrally down his well sculpted head. Hooded eyes dragged blatantly down Kyle’s still stretched body and then came back up to fix with heated intensity on his face. Full lips parted slowly in a wide grin and the man’s eyes flickered to Carlos and then looked back before raising an eyebrow in question. Kyle blinked and then hesitantly shook his head to indicate he wasn’t with Carlos in that way – that was what the guy was asking, right?
The answer to that was apparently a resounding yes becau se the man wasted no time in stalking across the few feet separating them and hooking a finger in the waistband of Kyle’s designer jeans. Kyle looked back and shook his head when he felt Carlos stiffen behind him. His friend looked startled and then amused before nodding and letting their hands separate to turn Kyle loose and into the arms of his new dance partner. The man hooked an arm around his waist and slipped one muscled, denim clad thigh between his legs to bring them flush together and started to move in time to the thump of the bass. Kyle curled one hand around a well-defined bicep and wrapped the other around the man’s neck, swinging his hips fluidly and feeling a punch of sheer lust in his belly when the man grinned and tugged him closer until they touched from torso to knees.
The night blurred after that. Kyle was aware of his friends dancing around them, and Megan staring bug eyed as he wantonly ground against his buff partner, but primarily all his attention was fixed on the building heat in the fathomless dark eyes boring into his. The club was nearly closing for the night when the man had touched one hand to his face and confidently cupped his jaw to tilt his face and bring their mouths together. Kyle remembered gasping at the contact and then clinging on for dear life when the man had laughed low in his throat and had plundered his mouth so thoroughly that Kyle saw stars. Moaning at an almost painful rush of desire through his body Kyle threw caution to the winds and pressed closer, giving as good as he got. He shuddered when he felt an impressive hardness press against his lower belly and ground closer to the man making his own arousal evident.
“How old are you?” Kyle jumped, startled, when the low rasp sounded in his ear and he  pulled back in confusion, slightly ashamed when he realised that this was the first time they had exchanged words. The man brushed the back of his fingers over his cheek and said again, “How old are you? Not really into the whole illegal thing.”
Kyle scowled – again with his damn age – but said firmly, “Old enough. I’m legal.”
The man stared at him intently for a moment and then nodded, his eyes drifting down to lock on Kyle’s mouth. “You done this before?”
His scowl deepening and a betraying flush staining his skin, Kyle tensed and said indignantly, “Yes!” He felt his flush deepen when the guy quirked an eyebrow and said irritably,

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