A Midsummer Night's Demon

A Midsummer Night's Demon by Brenda Sparks Read Free Book Online

Book: A Midsummer Night's Demon by Brenda Sparks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Sparks
Tags: Romance, vampire, demon, spicy
would have to find a new place for her to hide. The fingers of his right hand bunched around the empty blood bag. He shoved it in the pocket of his jeans when Lyn emerged from the house carrying his laptop.
    She balanced it precariously on one hand while her fingers punched the keys.
    “Come here.” He reached out to gather her into his lap as he had done most every night since they’d met.
    She went willingly and cuddled into the warmth of his body. It felt right having her in his arms, like coming home to change into your favorite pair of sweats after a long day at work. Her figure molded to his. Her soft curves fit perfectly against the hard planes of his muscles. His arms enveloped her like a shield of strength.
    With the computer in her lap, both her hands were free to work the keys. In no time, she brought her email up and read it aloud to Ky.
    “Dear Juan. I used ‘dear’ because I was trying to play like I didn’t remember what happened. Anyway, Dear Juan, I hope you are all right. I’m sorry I didn’t write sooner, but I have been in the hospital. I don’t remember exactly what happened. One minute we were enjoying drinks and the next I woke up in a hospital bed. The doctors didn’t know what had happened; only that I came in with a wound on my neck, and I was bleeding badly. Please write back when you get this so I’ll know you are fine. Love, Lyn.”
    “Love?” Ky questioned with a raised brow.
    “Well, I wanted him to believe that I didn’t remember anything about the attack. Don’t you think that if I remembered he attacked me the last thing I would have said was ‘love, Lyn’?”
    What he thought was that she was a very clever woman. The email she composed sounded sincere. She explained why she had not been in touch sooner, given the impression that she did not remember the attack, not given away where she was staying, and seemed genuinely concerned about the monster’s safety, which would play to his narcissism. Ky had to admit, maybe she could handle herself better than he’d thought.
    If she could handle herself as well in person as she did in the email, she might just be their best chance to capture her attacker. A plan formed in his head.
    If the vampire returned her email, they could arrange for the two to meet somewhere secluded, and Ky could kill the male when he arrived. Since her attacker was a vampire, Lyn would have to be present, otherwise, the monster could sense her absence, and they would lose their opportunity. He also couldn’t sense Ky anywhere near or he would know it was a trap. Ky would have to wait some distance away then materialize into the spot, taking the vampire by surprise. But how would he know the vampire arrived if he waited miles away?
    Lyn’s cell. The answer came to him in a moment of pure brilliance. She could call him, long before the appointed time to meet with the vampire, and put the phone on speaker. When the vampire showed up, he would hear him and could materialize to her side to dispose of the monster.
    Everything would have to go off without a glitch. They only had one shot. If the vampire sensed the trap, he could dematerialize out of there before Ky had a chance to materialize in. But the risky plan might just work. It definitely seemed like their best chance.
    A tone rang softly on the laptop. “I have new mail,” Lyn clicked open the email with a dramatic stab of her finger. “It’s from him.”
    “What does it say?” Ky read over her shoulder as she spoke.
    “My dearest Lyn, I was so thankful to receive your email. I have been worried sick about you. Yeah, I just bet he was.”
    “Go on,” Ky encouraged.
    “I have to see you. I want to see for myself that you are all right. Will you meet me?”
    Ky hit the reply button on the email and typed. His fingers flew over the keys as he read aloud. “I’m glad you are okay. I’d love to meet you too, be sure you are really all right. How about the Eighth Avenue Park tomorrow night at

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