A Mother's Trust

A Mother's Trust by Dilly Court Read Free Book Online

Book: A Mother's Trust by Dilly Court Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dilly Court
    ‘Really?’ Paxman leaned against the doorpost of a milk shop. ‘That’s not what I heard. According to the local gossips, Annie has taken to her bed. Could it be she is suffering from a broken heart? I did warn her about Ned. I’m afraid he’s rather a bad boy when it comes to the ladies, but I would have thought her crystal ball might have told her that.’
    ‘Good day,’ Phoebe said stiffly. ‘I have better things to do than to exchange gossip with you, Mr Paxman.’
    ‘Roger,’ he called after her. ‘Rogue is just a nickname.’
    Phoebe walked on with her head held high. She knew that he was teasing her and she resented his attitude to both her and her mother. He was a common criminal and his brother was even worse. It was a sobering thought that the child her mother was carrying would be related by blood to such low people. She had been tempted to throw that fact in Paxman’s face, but some sixth sense had warned her against such an action. Rogue Paxman might have his own ideas regarding the child’s future. The thought of her half-brother or sister being raised by criminals sent Phoebe’s blood running cold through her veins.
    ‘Oy, Phoebe.’
    She stopped and turned her head to see Biddy O’Flaherty scurrying towards her with her skirts bunched up around her knees and her cheeks flushed from heat and exertion. ‘What’s the matter, Biddy?’
    ‘Young Dolly’s been taken queer. I can’t find Minnie and I dunno what to do.’
    Phoebe hesitated. She did not want to get mixed up with the Fowler family or the denizens of Bleeding Heart Yard who were a rough lot. It was rumoured that the Clancys and the O’Donnells had joined one of the high mobs that were the sworn enemies of the Paxmans. It did not take a crystal ball to foresee trouble looming.
    Biddy grabbed her by the hand. ‘Please come. She don’t move and I ain’t sure she’s breathing. She could be dead for all I know. Ethel will kill me if any harm’s come to the girl, and if she don’t skin me alive, Minnie will. I was supposed to be keeping an eye on young Dolly but I was hanging out the washing. I only left her for a moment.’
    Phoebe hooked her wicker basket over her arm. Beneath the butter muslin there were three plums and a slice of gingerbread. It was the latest food for which her mother craved. Annie had begged her to keep it a secret from Nonna, who would immediately put two and two together and make quattro. ‘All right,’ she said reluctantly. ‘But you really should find Ethel. It’s her daughter after all.’
    Biddy hurried back the way she had just come, dragging Phoebe by the hand. ‘Dolly always was a bit soft in the head, but she’s been a sight worse since the beating Ethel gave her for burning Henry’s wooden leg.’
    Phoebe had to run to keep up with her. ‘She didn’t find the gold coins then?’
    ‘How did you know about that?’ Biddy shot her a suspicious glance over her shoulder. ‘I thought your ma was like one of them priests what listens to confessions of the papists. Sorry, if you are one of them, being half Eyetie and all.’
    Phoebe let this pass. ‘It’s common knowledge since Ethel made such a song and dance about it. But I’m sorry if Dolly took the blame. It really wasn’t her fault, and anyway surely the fire wouldn’t have been hot enough to melt gold?’
    Breathless but seemingly determined to keep up the conversation, Biddy paused for a moment, holding her side. ‘Stitch,’ she muttered. ‘Got a bloody stitch in me side. There was gold, several guineas so I heard tell. Not that Dolly could ever get a story straight, but like the fool she is she run out into the yard yelling her head off that she’d found gold. She never saw who took the money but by the time we got there they was miles away. Ethel clubbed the poor cow round the head with what was left of the stump. Knocked her out cold she did.’
    ‘We’d best hurry then.’ Putting her mother’s delicate condition

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