A Pirate’s Wife

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Book: A Pirate’s Wife by Lynelle Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynelle Clark
his hand. He took the last sip of his red wine
    before he went back to the upper deck.
    Roberto liked what he saw. When Pedro told him
    about her, he was intrigued about the whole family's story,
    but especially about her. When the opportunity came to
    bring her back as a ransom price, he jumped at the chance.
    It did not take much convincing to sway the Falcon
    so that Roberto could go and ensure that Cisco met the
    demands for the ransom. The Falcon knew he could trust
    Roberto with her. Now he had a chance to get to know her
    better, and maybe convince the Falcon that she would be
    more suitable for him. She was a stunning woman with a
    lot of fire in her veins, a fire that Roberto would like to
    ignite in ways other than anger.
    By my calculation, there must be a fifteen-year's
    difference in our ages. I can tame her to fit into my needs
    quite nicely. My first impressions of her were correct.
    Yes, she will do perfectly for all the plans I have for
    her. Yes, that anger and fury in her I am going to turn in to
    passion, a task that I am looking forward to in the coming
    months. In the, end she will be mine without a question.
    For now he decided to keep his plans to himself, to
    go with whatever she was planning, and then take it from
    there. He understood from Pedro that she was skilled with
    the sword and a good markswoman. Moreover, if Pedro's
    good marksmanship was any indication, she would be a
    force to be reckoned with. He would have to test her during
    the time they had on the open seas. These will be an
    interesting four months' voyage for sure!
    Roberto chuckled to himself. Pierre wondered what
    the smile was all about. He knew his friend. The man is
    wild among the women, usually, taking what he wants. But
    with this one, he acts differently, toying with her like a lion
    with a rabbit. Something about little Pedro's sister is of
    interest to the captain. It just may be the man has met his
    match with this young woman. Her eyes show how she
    feels and she is not afraid like most. No, this one is defiant,
    a real wild cat, as Roberto says.
    That Roberto was up to something was very clear to
    him. Yes, this will be an interesting time, with the stunning
    woman on board.
    January 25, 1624
    I cannot believe I am already a month on the estate.
    A month of surprises, new opportunities and new
    experiences. Franco is patient with all my one hundred
    questions, answering them as we go along. The villagers
    are really an interesting lot, and already I have made a few
    Rosa-Lee is a constant chatterbox, which makes me
    smile with pleasure. What a wonderful, brilliant child. She
    is everything I want in a daughter. Inquisitive. Energetic.
    And my dear wife -- how can I describe the love I
    feel for her? She is everything I want, need and more. My
    heart still jumps when she enters a room, still taking my
    breath away. Her raven hair still mesmerizes me and I love
    to run my fingers through the silky softness.
    She is brilliant, stunning and she is all mine.
    Every hardship I had to endure was worth it. Every
    day that I spend with her is a day that I am blessed and I
    cannot thank God enough for this, and for keeping us safe.
    He removed every obstacle, every scoffer, and made
    me victorious. Through all our trials He kept us healthy
    when people died around us like flies. Hunger, heat, rain,
    sickness were daily constants in our lives, but through all
    that we were saved.
    I lost count of the number of people I buried when
    they got the fever, and not once did I get it myself. Still
    today, I thank God for that.
    February 6, 1624
    Last night I tossed and turned in my sleep, plagued
    with the one fight we had while in the grass plains of
    Africa. Kayla was at it again, and like a fool I only believed what I wanted to believe. When Cisco wanted to help me
    carry water for the sick I screamed at him. For weeks we
    did not speak. Kayla, of course, used this time to get to him, I

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