A Question of Marriage

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Book: A Question of Marriage by Temari James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Temari James
love her.”
    “I never thought I’d see the day when the ultimate bachelor, Jordan Cain, would fall hard for a woman.”
    Jordan chuckled. “Well stranger things have happened.”
    “Don’t I know it?”
    “How long will it take you to get back to me?”
    “Two, three weeks tops.”
    “Thanks for doing this I really appreciate it.”
    “We’ll see how grateful you are when you get my bill.” The other man said finishing the last of his beer and standing.
    After Howard had gone, Jordan stood and removed his wallet from his jacket pocket, extracted a few bills tossed them on the counter and left the bar.

Chapter 7
    Three weeks later , armed with the information he needed, Jordan rode the elevator up to his father’s office. His father’s stern secretary informed him that he was in a meeting and couldn’t be disturbed. Confident that her words would be taken as law, turned her attention back to her computer monitor. Her high-handed manner usually worked to discourage further debate but it didn’t work with him. Her attention averted, he walked passed her and into his father’s office over to his desk ignoring the two men that sat nearby and tossed the envelope he carried on top of it, then turned to address his father.
    “I need to talk to you.” Aft er a short pause he added. “Now!”
    “I don’t have time for this Jordan , can’t you see I’m in the middle of a meeting?” He said, and then turned his attention back to the two men in front of him. “Now as I was saying the law states…….”
    “I mean now!”
    The two men jumped in their seats as Jordan’s voice pierced the air. His father’s face flushed with rage, as he stepped from behind his desk, stopping a foot away from him.
    “Wait until I’m done , than we can talk.” J.D Senior said in a low voice.
    “I’m not leaving until you hear what I have to say. If you want your friends here to listen in , so be it.”
    Knowing how relentless his son could be , J.D Senior addressed the two men. “Gentlemen, we’ll take this up at a later date, my secretary will contact you.”
    Both men gathered their discarded jackets and briefcases and left the office. Once they had gone J.D Senior turned to face his son.
    “You’d better have a damn good explanation for barging in here, interrupting my meeting.” J.D Senior said icily.
    “Oh trust me I do,” s itting down on one of the black chairs facing the desk, Jordan carefully watched his father’s expression. “Why don’t you open the envelope on your desk?”
    “What’s this?” His fath er asked, picking it up.
    “Open it and see for yourself.”
    His father frowned. When he opened the envelope and saw it contents. “Where did you get this?” He asked angrily. “You had no right to spy on me.”
    Jordan clasped his hands on the arm of the chair, feeling the anger building inside him. “How long have you been having an affair?”
    “That’s none of your business.”
    “It is if it hurts my mother.”
    “Your mother and I haven’t had a real marriage for a very long time. Enid provides the companionship I need, simple as that.”
    “D oes mom know?”
    “No, and she never will.”
    Jordan’s eyes narrowed. “How could you do this to our family?”
    “ I’m not doing anything to anyone. This is none of your concern you need to stay out of it and keep your mouth shut.”
    “Or what, yo u’ll ruin me like you plan to do to Payton?” Jordan asked
    The phone rang , a welcoming interruption for his father who reached for it. Moving quickly Jordan sprang to his feet and grabbed his father’s hand.
    “No, damn you, no more delays , no more stalling. You’re going to talk to me now.”
    “Jordan, what’s gotten into you?” His father asked, unable to disguise the anger in his tone. “I’m your father, I don’t owe you or anyone, an explanation for my actions.”
    Jordan leaned over the desk, his eyes threatening. “As far as I’m concerned you’re just a

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