Bought and Trained

Bought and Trained by Emily Tilton Read Free Book Online

Book: Bought and Trained by Emily Tilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Tilton
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction, BDSM, Romantic Erotica
    “Oh, God… oh, God…” she kept murmuring, to herself, as she tried to put herself into
     the position she thought Leo was requiring of her, crouched on hands and knees, straddling
     Leo’s legs.
    Leo reached out and grasped Rose’s hip in his left hand as he took his cock in his
     right, and moved it to the exact angle where, when Rose was ready, she could slide
     herself down upon it, in obedience to his command. With the hand upon her left hip,
     he gripped just tight enough to let the girl know he could control her that way.
    Still his cock had not touched her cunt, and though Rose, as Leo knew she must, fought
     weakly against his left hand, instinctively, like the wanton slut she truly was, trying
     to bring her pussy-lips to where the enormous cock she had seen could soothe the ardor
     she could not acknowledge, Leo had a lesson to deliver before he allowed it.
    “Rose,” he said quietly, “the reason you are having your first fucking in this position
     is that I want you to understand that to please your masters—me, and your training
     master, and then above all your owner—your submissive pleasure, the pleasure that
     you do not want and cannot help, is required.”
    He loved this moment, and as he spoke he was jerking himself off gently, both to keep
     himself ready to fuck her and because the arousal made the speech both more enjoyable
     to give and more effective, since he knew Rose would hear in his words an intimation
     of the way men’s desire worked, where concubines were concerned. Then, before continuing,
     Leo pulled just a little bit upon her left hip, and brought her pussy, its pink inner
     lips peeping out, against the tip of his manhood at last.
    Rose moaned in response. The lesson was having its effect: Leo’s words, he could tell,
     were freeing her to feel the pleasure he needed from her, but also making it clear
     to her that her body, and its pleasures, belonged to him. That idea in turn would
     feed her submissive desire so that when something shameful was required of her by
     her owner, or he administered a punishment, Rose would display the paradoxical gratitude
     of the submissive concubine while at the same time believing with the utmost strength
     that she had been captured, and that she did not truly consent to be used by her owner
     as the instrument of his pleasure. That was what David was paying for: Rose’s belief
     that she had not chosen to belong to him, to be whipped, spanked, flogged by him,
     to be fucked by him along every bodily avenue where he might take pleasure, to serve
     him in the most shameful ways he might imagine.
    “You are going to ride my cock, Rose, until I say you may stop. You must either come
     three times, or deliver three award-winning performances as a repressed girl having
     an orgasm. I know you do come, Rose—” she whimpered very nicely at that—“so I’m sure
     that if you find yourself unable to do as I’ve ordered, you’ll be able to muster your
     finest acting skills to convince me.”
    Leo tugged at her hip, peremptorily, and Rose whimpered again, to feel that the head
     of his cock had entered her, so close to where the black rubber arrogantly filled
     her back passage. Leo took his right hand from his shaft and rested it on Rose’s right
     hip. “Time to ride your pony, sweetheart,” he said.
    Daddy/little girl age-play stood third on Rose’s list of fantasies, and so Leo expected
     the deep moan that she gave as she began to slide down his cock. Leo himself couldn’t
     suppress a grunt of pleasure at the incredible, slick tightness of her cunt, as she
     began to bounce, sobbing with each little movement, to feel how full she was of what
     Leo had put, front and back, into the places where Rose Hutchison, newly captured
     concubine, had been told from childhood were naughty and not to be thought about,
     let alone mentioned.
    “Put your hands on my thighs, little girl,” he said, “and just ride. You can take

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