A Rose for Melinda

A Rose for Melinda by Lurlene McDaniel Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: A Rose for Melinda by Lurlene McDaniel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lurlene McDaniel
there's a TV down there.
     What are you and Jesse going to do tomorrow on your birthday?
     Mom and Dad are taking us to Six Flags (where I plan to lose them in the crowds).
     Can I bring your present over in the morning? And meet Jesse?
     Come around 9:30, or you'll miss us.
     See you tomorrow! And happy birthday in advance. Night, now. (And NO sleepwalking down to Jesse's room.)
    Elana's Journal
    August 30
    11:30 p.m.
    I got under Melinda's skin tonight with my incessant talking from the second Jesse arrived. She kept giving me furtive looks and I knew I was overdoing it, but I couldn't seem to control my mouth. Even Lenny mentioned it to me when we were alone, saying he felt “sorry for the boy” because of my verbal bombardment. Maybe it's thestrain of the past weeks, but I vow I won't do it again.
    Seeing Melinda and Jesse together again brought back memories of the two of them in grade school. They were both so cute and practically inseparable. I loved having him around and so did Melinda. So many memories …
    She's grown up so fast. My daughter, my child … so pretty and smart. And burdened with cancer. It's not fair!
    To the world's best daughter … with all our
love, Mom and Dad
P.S. There's a little surprise for you in the garage.
    August 31 (My Birthday!!!!!)
    This has been the best day of my life (so far)! At breakfast, I got Mom and Dad's card and let them blindfold me and lead me out to the garage. When Mom removed the blindfold, I almost fainted.They'd had the garage converted into a dance/ exercise room for me! Air-conditioning, heating, a partial wooden floor, a mirrored wall and a barre so that I can work out on my own. Also, a treadmill and StairMaster to build up my endurance. This is wonderful! Now I can go at my own pace and return to the studio when I'm in better shape. I just screeched and hugged them both. I asked Dad, “But what about the cars?” (He's been known to obsess about his little BMW.) He said, “A little exposure to the elements never hurt a car.” And Mother said, “He's been thinking of trading it in anyway for something more suitable for a man in his forties.” And they gave each other a little look that said they were pleased to have surprised me so totally.
    Jesse tried the treadmill and the StairMaster, but he said he'd leave the barre work to me. Then Bailey came over and we had to go through the squealing and excitement again. She met Jesse and pronounced him “really cute” to me when he wasn't around to overhear. I don't know why I care what Bailey thinks of him, but I do. She gave me a really cool top and a beaded bracelet for gifts.
    We went to Six Flags, but I was really wiped out, so I wasn't much fun. Mom wanted to take me home, but I absolutely refused, so Dad and Jesse went on the rides together. Mom got some good picsof them and they both looked like they were having a good time. When we came home, I threw up (sure don't want Jesse to know that part), then I crashed and slept until about seven o'clock. I crawled down
stairs and they were waiting to eat. I voted for pizza, and after it came I ate a piece and felt better. Mom brought out a cake (angel food with white coconut icing, my favorite) and lit candles, and Mom, Dad and Jesse sang to me. I still can't believe he's really here!
    Jesse and I finally got to be alone at about ten o'clock. We sat out on the porch in the swing watching fireflies.
    Jesse asked, “Do you know why fireflies light up?”
    “No,” I said.
    “It's the way they tell each other that they're available,” he said.
    “Nice trick,” I said.
    “See?” he said, pointing into the darkness where the bugs kept glowing on and off. “That one's saying, ‘Find me, find me.’ And another is saying, ‘Here I am, here I am.’ ”
    Jesse took my hand and my heart started to pound like a drum. He reached under the swing and brought out a box. (I must have been

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