The Mystery at Mead's Mountain

The Mystery at Mead's Mountain by Julie Campbell Read Free Book Online

Book: The Mystery at Mead's Mountain by Julie Campbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Campbell
were no other people in the restaurant yet, so Katie sat down with the group. “Tell me more about yourselves,” she requested. “What do you do? What are your plans for the future?”
    “Well, we’re all outdoors people,” Jim began, “so I know we’ll enjoy our time here.”
    “Someday Jim’s going to have a school for orphan boys, where lessons will be sandwiched in between outdoor activities,” Di put in. “I myself am interested in art.”
    “And Brian’s going to be Jim’s doctor in residence,” Honey contributed.
    “If I ever make it through medical school,” Brian commented. “I also hope to serve in a medical program—like the ship HOPE. Mart here is going to be Jim’s agriculturist in residence.”
    “Trixie and Honey plan to operate the Belden-Wheeler Detective Agency when they get out of college,” Mart said, helping himself to his third sweet roll. Then he winked. “They think they’re professionals already, so we, uh, try to humor them. If you have any mysteries lying around—beware!”
    “Detectives?” Katie raised an eyebrow.
    Di, always loyal, jumped to the girls’ defense. “Trixie and Honey are every bit as good as professionals. They’ve solved lots of cases when even the police were stumped, and they’ve made a lot of people happy, me included.”
    “What do you say, Miss Trask?” Katie asked.
    “It’s quite true,” replied Miss Trask. “But let’s save the stories of their exploits for another time.”
    “Please do,” said Katie, glancing up at the new arrivals coming into the restaurant. She excused herself and hurried back to the kitchen.
    “If you’re such great detectives,” said Wanda somewhat skeptically, “maybe you can find my missing quarters.”
    Mart pointed at Wanda : “Quiet, ye doubting Thomas, or ye will stir up a hornet’s nest.”
    Trixie was instantly alert. “Missing quarters?”
    “Whenever I have a few quarters in change, I put them in the jar on my desk,” explained Wanda. “When the jar is full, I take them down to the bank and put them into my buy-a-car-someday fund. The jar was almost full.”
    “When did you notice it was missing?” Trixie asked.
    “Let’s see... the day before Christmas Eve. I had just shown Eric—that’s our new ski instructor—to his room. I went to tell Katie that he was here, and when I came back, the jar was gone. I didn’t keep my door locked then, so anyone could have taken it.”
    “Does Eric spend a lot of quarters?” asked Trixie thoughtfully.
    Wanda shrugged. “I don’t know.”
    “As you can see, Wanda, Trixie’s more of a professional jumper-to-conclusions than a detective,” Mart scoffed. “Come on, everyone. We came here to ski!”
    “You came to the right place,” said Linda. “I’ll go help you with your skis, and then Eric can give you lessons. He’s an expert cross-country skier. He’s out packing down snow on the bunny tow right now.”
    “Very crafty.” Wanda grinned at her sister. “That leaves me with the dirty dishes.”
    “I owe you one,” called Linda, already out the door. “See you at lunch, Miss Trask,” Honey said as the Bob-Whites followed Linda to the ski shop.
    While Linda was outfitting them with the narrow lightweight skis, Trixie asked casually, “Was Eric just hired a couple of days ago?”
    Linda nodded. “Eric and his mother had reservations for two weeks during the Christmas holidays. Pat was surprised when Eric arrived alone and asked him for a job. Luckily for Eric, things were much busier here than Pat had anticipated, and he really needed some extra help, both on the slopes and around the lodge.”
    “I wonder what happened to his mother,” Trixie mused aloud. At Mart’s warning look, she stopped talking. But she couldn’t stop thinking. And why would he show up alone at Christmastime? Most people have something better to do than get a new job.
    Impatient, she grabbed her skis and said, “Come on, we’ve got a ski lesson waiting for

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