A Stirring from Salem

A Stirring from Salem by Sheri Anderson Read Free Book Online

Book: A Stirring from Salem by Sheri Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheri Anderson
couldn’t be better.”
    “Sis is leaving in less than two hours,” Chance offered, giving his brother a puzzled look. “You two might want to come up for air.”
    Chance pulled the bedroom door closed and followed Charley into her beautifully appointed bedroom looking across to Princes Gate, the massive complex that was once home to American ambassadors, including Joseph Kennedy.
    “Abby’s still wearing the ring,” Chance said with a lilt in his voice.
    “This time, getting it back might not be so easy,” Charley offered. “Maybe it’s best I’ll be out of their hair for a while.”
    “How long will you be gone?” Chance asked as he started to help her pack.
    Charley stammered, “I’m not really sure.”
    “No, really, how long will you be gone?” he repeated as he emptied the Harrods bag.
    “I didn’t ask.”
    Chance was dumbfounded. “You didn’t ask?”
    “It all happened so fast. And the photographer is so well respected that I just said yes. I have a passport and the time, and having this on my CV…well, I couldn’t say anything else.”
    “You didn’t ask.” Charley had never been the impulsive type, so Chance was stunned at her lack of information. But all three of the Gaines siblings had been thrown off their pins by their father’s betrayal. And though they seldom discussed it, they were more protective of each other than ever.
    “You’re going halfway around the world—” he cautioned.
    “Halfway down the world,” she interrupted. “But I need this, Chance, maybe the way we all need change right now. I’ll be fine,” she assured him. “Really.”
    The moment was broken as Jackson and a flushed Abby entered. She was now in her skinny jeans and one of Jackson’s shirts.
    “Hey,” Abby said.
    “Hey,” Charley answered.
    “I guess you heard,” Abby offered.
    “I did. Well, we both did,” Charley replied, trying to sound as positive as she could under the circumstances.
    “I will always take the best care of your mother’s ring. I hope you know that,” Abby said with genuine warmth.
    “We have no doubt,” Chance replied, trying to sound as positive as he could under the circumstances.
    “I’ve always wanted a sister, haven’t you?” Abby directed that to Charley.
    “I—have,” Charley answered.
    “Now you’ll have me and one of my best friends,” Abby said, shaking her head in disbelief. “Wow. Will this make me Belle’s sister-in-law, too?”
    Charley blanched. While Belle Black Brady had been revealed to be Charley’s biological sister, Charley still found it hard to think of her as family.
    “It’s all a bit confusing,” Charley said as she looked to her brother.
    “Can I tell her myself about this, or do you want to?” Abby asked.
    “What do you think’s best, Jackson?” Charley asked, trying to give him an out if he wanted one.
    “Whatever,” is all he could muster.
    “I guess this is congratulations, then?” Charley said, trying not to make it sound like a question.
    “Thanks, Sis,” he answered, trying not to make that sound like a question.
    “You’re welcome,” she sighed. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to finish packing.”
    “Where are you going?” Abby asked.
    “I guess you and Jackson had other things to discuss, but I’m going to South Africa,” Charley told her.
    “I’m jealous,” Abby responded. “I lived down there for a while.”
    “You did?” Jackson responded.
    “There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” Abby replied with a smile. “My grandfather has a medical clinic down there in a little town called Hoedspruit. In fact, my dad’s brother, Steve, is there, too. Where are you going? Cape Town?”
    Charley just stared at her blankly.
    Instead, Chance chimed in.
    “She didn’t ask.”
    “Are you sure about this?” Jackson asked, concerned.
    “This is a major photo shoot with the best in the business,” Charley answered. “What could go wrong?”

Scarlett had an ego worse than

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