A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance)

A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance) by Summer Jordan Read Free Book Online

Book: A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance) by Summer Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Summer Jordan
pleases you is okay with me."
    She'd phoned earlier when he was too busy to talk, and he'd called her back, as promised, during that lull towards the end of Happy Hour when the after-work drinkers were leaving and serious diners hadn't yet arrived.
    Now, the early arrival of the Foxes was going to cut their conversation short again. Mr. Fox was glaring at him.
    He was dressed impeccably, and his impatience was as evident as the quality of his clothes. Derek could usually spot a tailor-made suit by the fine detail and perfect fit, and the brand of shoes the gentleman—he checked the reservation he'd jotted for a first name…Joseph—wore were expensive. Derek knew because he owned a pair.
    He spoke into the phone. "I am not disinterested in our wedding plans. I was just trying to ease your mind. Look, I am truly sorry but I have to go now. I have customers that just arrived."
    It wasn't likely that Joseph Fox was often kept waiting. However, Club Rendezvous didn't employ a hostess nor did they take reservations. Derek had taken this one out of curiosity.
    "I love you, too," he said. Just as he clicked off the phone, a server spotted the waiting threesome and greeted them. He'd tried to hurry his fiancée, but… Derek sighed.
    Maybe it was just as well. The only person he could see was the man. The other two were standing behind him. He'd taken this reservation for one reason and didn't have his answer yet.
    When the man told the server he had arranged for a table by phone, she looked to Derek, who pointed to the corner booth and a 'reserved' sign he'd hurriedly made.
    He'd learned that 'Fox' was Erin 's last name from her Wives-R-Us card. He wanted to see her again even though he knew he shouldn't. He had in fact told himself he wouldn't, but he'd pulled her card out of the trash and stuck it away in a crevice under the bar, just in case. When Mr. Fox called in, Derek knew it was a slim chance that it would be her, but he'd taken the gamble.
    She'd discreetly left him her business card, as if to say 'get in touch with me', and then moved into a booth with Mitch. And that's when he threw it away. He was committed to someone else and she had a boyfriend.
    But as he watched her cuddling up to him, jealousy and anger made him pull it out of the trash. A conniver who would give a strong hint to one man and act like that with another might deserve to be taken to bed under false pretences. Derek had close to a month of bachelorhood left and a burning desire to fuck Erin Fox at least once. He didn't know why he was so attracted to her or why his desire was so strong. All he knew was that from the moment their eyes first met, she'd become a compulsion.
    Joseph stepped aside to let the lady go first. Derek's breath came fast and his pulse pounded. It was Erin , and she motioned a boy to precede her. The three of them looked for all the world like a family. Surely she wasn't married.
    Where they were seated, Derek could see her and the boy but not the man, and he was glad. She looked heavenly in an emerald dress that matched her eyes. The boy had dark hair the same as hers and was a handsome lad. Derek wanted kids but the doctors said that wasn't meant to be. So he'd tried to accept that but sometimes…
    Erin looked straight at him, smiled, and he got a hard-on. He turned away but couldn't resist stealing glances. The boy was sitting between the two of them and Erin was more focused on him than the man. They could be her brother and his son, but it seemed unlikely. Recalling that the words on the business card said 'three ex-wives', he thought she could have remarried and been seeing Mitch on the sly, but coming into Club Rendezvous with him wasn't too secretive. So perhaps this was her ex and their boy. Did couples do that? Get together for the sake of the kids?
    Derek should have written her off when he'd seen the way she'd been shamelessly trying to seduce that guy Mitch, but he wanted to hold her just once. No, that wasn't true.

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