A Treasure Worth Keeping
his hand into the pocket of his tattered blue jeans and retrieved a fistful of corn, tossing it on the gravel.
    “ Numida meleagris, ” Evie said without thinking.
    Sam pushed his hand down his leg to wipe off the dust and looked at her. “What?”
    “ Numida meleagris. The Latin name for guinea fowl.”
    “I’ll take your word for that, Miss McBride.” Sam scraped a hand through his hair and ended up tousling it even more. “I should probably warn you. Faith doesn’t really like science. Or math.”
    “She enjoys English? History?”
    Sam shook his head and a few strands of dark hair flopped across his forehead. Evie resisted the urge to smooth them back into place.
    “Gym class.”
    “She’s into sports.” Evie remembered that Faith had described herself as a jock the day they’d met on the beach. That didn’t bother her. In a school like the one she taught in, the smaller ratio of students to teachers allowed her to focus on each individual child. Over the years, she’d found creative ways to tap into her students’ natural abilities to make learning more fun.
    “Don’t get me wrong, she’s a good student,” Sam told her. “But she’d rather study basketball plays than sit down with a textbook.”
    “Is there anything else I should know?”
    A strange expression flickered across Sam’s face, but he shook his head. “I can’t think of anything.”
    “Good, because I hate surprises.”
    Sam glanced at the canvas bag looped over her shoulder. “Here. Let me carry your…suitcase? You didn’t have to bring your own books, you know. Faith’s mother sent up an entire library.”
    “I’ve got it. And, just to set the record straight, it’s a purse, not a suitcase.”
    “What do you have in that thing?”
    “Oh, the usual stuff.”
    He studied the bulging bag. “Sleeping bag? Jumper cables? The kitchen sink?”
    Evie saw the look on his face. “Of course not. Just the essentials.” Her laptop computer. A miniature sewing kit. Tape measure. Collapsible umbrella.
    “You must have been a Girl Scout.”
    Her eyes narrowed. Was he mocking her? “It’s always good to be prepared.”
    The cabin door flew open, and Faith stepped onto the narrow porch. Evie guessed the reason behind the mutinous look on the young girl’s face. Even though the two of them had connected over Faith’s sketch of Lake Superior, Evie’s role had changed. Instead of a kindred spirit, now she was the person responsible for making sure Faith kept her nose buried in the books.
    Evie almost laughed. It wouldn’t take long to put those fears to rest. “Hi, Faith.”
    “Hi.” Faith studied her toes, refusing to meet Evie’s eyes.
    “Did you get your books out like I told you to?” Sam asked.
    Faith shot him a look ripe with resentment. “Yes.”
    “Faith? Remember what we talked about this morning.”
    Judging from the edge in Sam’s voice and the anger simmering in Faith’s eyes, Evie doubted they’d talked at all. She guessed Sam had lectured and Faith had tuned him out.
    “We don’t need any books today,” Evie said. “We’re going on a field trip.”
    Sam and Faith both turned to stare at her.
    “A field trip?” Sam sounded skeptical.
    “For science class. We’re going to study Canis familiaris. ”
    “Good. Great.” Sam looked way too eager to escape. “I’m going back on the roof. I’ll see you later.”
    “Sam?” Evie dug in her bag and pulled out a plastic bottle. “Here. Sunblock. The sun isn’t as strong this late in the day, but you should still wear it. Or, ah, your shirt. That would work, too.”
    You aren’t only a geek, Evie, you are officially their queen.
    Sam stared at the bottle as if it were a live grenade and then at her. Evie braced herself, expecting to see amusement lurking in his eyes. She was used to it. Over the years her sisters had developed entire stand-up comedy routines based on her cautious ways.
    We’re not laughing at you, Evie. We’re laughing with you.

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