A Witch's Fury
setting sun, I marched up to
the dilapidated barn and threw open the rusted red door, sword in
my hand.
    “Come out and play, bitches,” I taunted.
    Several shadows moved rapidly over the
rafters and I smiled. There was more than one.
    I popped the trunk open and took out the baby
wipes and a garbage bag. Those fuckers bled on everything .
Stripping out of my now soiled black shirt, I used the wipes to
clean my skin as best I could, along with the leather that wouldn’t
absorb the vile remnants of a vampire nest gone mad.
    I heard the steps approaching me before he
cleared this throat. I made no attempt to hurry my process. If he
was here to try and kill me, I’d be pissed it was after I had
cleaned up. Given his attempt to announce his presence, however, I
was betting he wanted to talk about the vampire issue.
    “Are you here to take care of the problem?”
he asked uncertainly, coming around as I pulled a clean shirt on
and tossed the bag of filth into the back.
    “Problem is gone. Call whoever you reported
this to and they’ll come clean it up,” I said, slamming the
tailgate and making my way to the driver’s door.
    “You just got here,” he argued, confused.
    “I work fast,” I called over my shoulder as I
climbed into the SUV and started the engine. I called Grams.
    “Olivia,” she said on an exhale, clearly
relieved I hadn’t gotten myself killed.
    “Wellsboro is done, next?”
    Silence met my reply, but I waited. She knew
me well. She understood I had to do this, it was the only thing
left in my life that had meaning.
    “Ohio looks to be the next in line,” she
rebounded. “I’m scanning over the report now.” All business.
    “Great.” I answered, ending the call. Fucking
Ohio. Again.
    I zigged and zagged across my territory,
killing anything and everything in my path. The calls from Kass,
Jerry and even Darren had stopped coming and I was glad. I had
nothing to say to any of them.
    When Becky from security called me, however,
I picked up on the first ring, curious and slightly worried.
    “Hey Olie, I know you are busy but I want to
run a few things by you,” she began, chomping on her bubble
    “Go for it,” I said, merging with traffic in
    “We’ve had three attempted break-ins at the
Manor, all by vampires who, as far as I can tell, are unrelated to
any of the Houses we have in town—” Becky tried to continue but I
    “Do you still have them?” I demanded.
    “Yes, what do you want us to do with them?
Torture has been unenlightening,” she admitted, snapping her gum.
“The only thing we’ve managed to find out is that they are here for
Tate, but not in what capacity.”
    “Keep them for me,” I answered, smiling.
    “Done. Now, should we beef up security?”
    I chewed on my lower lip, “No, if we are
catching them, our security is working perfectly. And I want them
to try again.”
    “Gotcha. ETA on your arrival?” she asked,
idly clicking keys in the background. It felt good to be treated
normally, not like the borderline psycho I admittedly was.
    “Two days. I’m going to finish up this case
and be back,” I said, terminating the call.
    Three vampires attempting to gain access into
our compound, that didn’t bode well for Tate at all.
    It took me three days to get back, since the
last beast I took down managed to take a chunk of my forearm with
it. I needed a full day of sleep just so I could use it again.
    Outside the Centennial Compound, I leaned
against my car, debating if I should call first. Manners said I
should, but my gut said I didn’t give a flying fuck.
    I left my weapons in the car. Just because I
wanted to kill again, that didn’t mean this was the place.
    I sauntered up to the front door. The guards
clearly remembered me, or perhaps it was the death that still clung
to my clothing and hair. Either way, they called for Tate
    “You need to wait here,” a pleasant
receptionist said, attempting to get me

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