A Woman Gone Mad

A Woman Gone Mad by Kimber S. Dawn Read Free Book Online

Book: A Woman Gone Mad by Kimber S. Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimber S. Dawn
    “Fun!?! Fun!?! Bitch, that ain’t fun. That’s the god damn time of your life waitin’ to happen!”
    Lilly is pulling her boobs up in her bra and shimmying her top down to show off her—my, our—cleavage then walking over and flipping through a collection of fuck-me heels I have never seen before nor do I know where she got them from.
    I push Lilly’s crazy ass aside and clear my throat.
    Mount up, girl. Big girl panties — CHECK. You want it then go get it.
    “Leo, I’d love to come out with y’all. Can’t tonight. But sometime, yeah.” I give him a big, bright smile and lean into him. “Yeah I’d really, really love to, actually.”
    Growling deep in his chest, he hooks his arms around my waist, lifting me clear off the ground, and straightens to his full stature. I’m still eye to eye with him, still forehead to forehead, still nose to nose.
    Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply. And gather what wit, charm, and sass I have left before looking into his eyes. “Just let me know when and where, okay? And I’ll be there.”
    Grabbing a hold of my boldness, I brush my lips against his, kiss him lightly on the tip of his nose, and then make my move to crawl down this man, but he holds me still.
    I look back up at him, confused.
    Well shit, now what? I can’t get any bolder than that. I am straight up out of moves right now. I have no more flirting cards. and this is the opposite of Uno. Uno here means you suck and you have no game!
    “Um, Leo, can you put me down?” I’m trying to act nonchalantly and force a laugh somehow.
    He continues to hold me still until my eyes reach his again, his face dead serious. “Lil, I’m not playing with you. Do you understand me? This isn’t a fucking game. If you say you are coming with me, then you are coming with me.”
    Uh…are we still talking about the same thing? Why is he wording it this way? He isn’t saying coming ‘out’ with me. Why does he keep leaving ‘out’ well…out?
    “I’m not playing a game. I know that y’all think I’m some child but y’all don’t know a damn thing about me. And Leo,” I say as sternly as I can muster, “I don’t fucking play games.”
    “ Um…. Now correct me if I’m wrong, Lil, but weren’t you just mumbling some shit about Uno cards just a minute ago?”
    Shut the fuck up, Lilly! Just shut the fuck up! You are a worthless bitch right now, so just shut the fuck up and go AWAY!
    When Leo sets me down on the ground, I see a smirk that I swear screams, ‘Haha! I just won!’ flash onto his face.
    “That’s good to hear, babe. Damn good to hear.” Keeping one of my hands in his, he leads me back to the porch then sits down, pulling me into his lap. He tucks his blond, shoulder-length straight, hair behind his ears and lights a cigarette before settling his hand on my lap between my knees.
    How the hell, I ask again, did we get from my first cigarette to here? My shaking hands make it hard to light my third cigarette.
    “And I don’t think you’re a child, Lil. You don’t look like a child, that’s for fuck sure.”
    “Oh.” I watch his hand making circles with his thumb on the inside of right knee. With each swoop he makes, there is a trail of fire, over, and over, and over… I just watch his magical thumb, almost entranced until I hear him clear his throat. My eyes dance up to his.
    He’s been watching me watch his hand. And thank God he doesn’t stop the fiery swoops.
    “Okay, so I know you gotta watch Jules on the weekdays and that sometimes runs into the weeknights, so… whatcha doin’ this weekend, Lil?”
    I pull a deep drag off my smoke, and on an exhale, in a throaty voice, I say, “I’m coming with you, Leo.” Looking up at him through the smoke that hangs around us in the humid night air, I raise my eyebrow and give him a half grin. “Right?”
    “Fuckin’ bet your ass you are.” He wraps his arms around my waist while simultaneously flicking his cigarette. He pulls me up to

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