Abby and the Cute One (Backstage Pass)
    “Thanks, Will. That means a lot.”
    Nathan stood, shaking the table. “Listen, I’m going to try and get a few minutes of shut-eye before sound check. I’ll see you guys later.”
    Will stared after him as Nathan walked swiftly away, then turned toward Abby and shrugged. “It’s been a long day already.”

Chapter Six
    N athan didn’t go to sleep. He went to his bunk on The One and played Otis’s song on his phone to make sure it wasn’t tainted now with thoughts of lost causes and never-going-to-happens.
    Abby’s audition had overwhelmed him. She was beautiful. Light spilled from her while she was up on that stage as if she was made of the sun’s rays. When she sang, her soul opened. Hope built in his chest, the kind that inspired new songs and the dream of new beginnings. With all the girls he’d gone on dates with recently, none had lit that spark.
    No matter how beautiful Abby was, or how talented, or how much she moved him, it couldn’t happen. He had his band mates to think about. And his family. And now Abby herself. He was onto something good, and even though he wanted to pursue Abby like crazy, it wasn’t an option.
    Fortunately, as he listened to the lyrics of “Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay,” he could separate Abby from one of his favorite tunes. Now, if he could separate himself from Abby Curtis, he’d be in business.
    Needing a distraction, he fished out the stack of fan letters LJ had given him the other day. He picked one out from the first few with red glittery heart stickers on the envelope. He liked the ones that showed thought had gone into it. That someone took the time to press a sticker somewhere or draw him a picture meant everything to him.
    Dear Nathan,
    OMG, if you read this, I will just die. Literally. I’ve just spent hours watching interview clips of you on YouTube and you’re like the cutest thing ever. OMG, your smile! Your face! I follow you on Twitter, too. (CareBearXO14 if you want to tweet me!) I love all the backstage photos you post. It makes it feel like I’m there so please don’t stop doing that!
    My absolute fave song is “Kiss This.” Believe me, there are so many girls just in my class alone that want to kiss you. I’ve seen on Yahoo! recently that you’ve dated a few actresses but what about real girls? Us real girls want you too, Nathan! Please share the love!
    I know you get asked all the time but would you date a fan? Or even kiss a fan? I’ve heard you say you would on TV before but I thought if you could write me back and tell me the real answer it’d be really cool. I promise I won’t tell anyone. I think you and I would be absolutely perfect for each other so I hope you say yes.
    My sister and I are going to your concert in DC. I can’t wait!
    P.S. Please, please, please, PLEASE say you’ll date a fan and not just famous people! I would die!
    Nathan smiled as he laid the letter down and shook his head. Fans said the craziest things sometimes when he thought about it literally. Would Carrie really want to die if Nathan read her letter or if he said he would date a fan? He hoped not. He wouldn’t want to say anything ever again.
    He was glad he read her letter, though. She’d reminded him he hadn’t taken pictures of MetLife Stadium yet. Sound check was in a little while; he’d have to make sure to get some pics with the guys then.
    The air release of the bus alerted Nathan someone was coming on. He stuffed the letters to the side of his bunk, flopped down on his pillow, and pretended to sleep.
    A couple seconds later a hand shook his shoulder. “Hey, Nathan. Wake up.”
    Beau’s big mass hovered in the bunk’s opening.
    He pretended to be sleepy. “Yeah?”
    “An interview got moved up. Sound check is right now.”
    Nathan got up and fake stretched. “Okay.”
    Beau crossed his arms and leaned against the bunk opposite him. “Did I just see the girl you met last night on the pier in the food

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