Above Rubies

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Book: Above Rubies by Mary Cummins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Cummins
away in the case.
    By midnight it was all over, and Merry stood waiting tiredly for Nigel and his father to lock everything away in huge safes, exper tl y fitted with burglar alarms.
    “Has it been a success?” she asked, rather tiredly.
    “Too soon to tell,” said Nigel tersely. “Some people have made up their minds about things tonight, and one or two cocktail rings have been bought with a few gold animal brooches. Pearls, too!” He turned to carry more boxes to the safe. “The bigger pieces aren’t bought so quickly. People like time to consider these things. Isn’t that so, Father?”
    Mr. Kilpatrick nodded.
    “That’s how it should be,” he said. “Impulsive buying means a dissatisfied customer when the enthusiasm wanes. That’s why I prefer ordinary business methods, but I’m willing to give Nigel his head this once. At least our stock checks, and we’ve no unpleasantness over that.”
    “Did no one buy the topaz ring?” asked Merry, and again felt herself shiver a little. Goose walking over her grave, she thought, a trifle uncomfortably.
    “That will take a great deal of consideration,” smiled Mr. Kilpatrick. “But someone will buy it, never fear. Thank you for your help, my dear. You filled the breach admirably.”
    “I enjoyed it,” said Merry, then wondered if she was really being very truthful. It had been new and exciting, but now she wanted to be back home to Beau Ness, and Mrs. Cameron waiting for her with some hot milk. This wasn ’ t really her world.
    “Merry’s tired,” said Nigel, taking her arm possessively. “It’s time I took you home, my love.”

    MERRY enjoyed working at her desk in the lovely little study, off the sitting-room, while Mrs. Cameron hovered around like an anxious hen. At first she had been very conscious of the other woman’s efforts to keep quiet, and told Mrs. Cameron to carry on normally, and she’d soon get used to her being there. Now she was into a good working routine, and filled with the intense urge which sometimes came to her when she was doing her best work.
    In addition to reading through Aunt Ellen’s notebooks, and making notes for her book, she wrote a short story, the words coming feverishly from an idea which had come to her during one of her solitary rambles through the woods. She was also preparing an article on the care of jewellery, and how to clean precious stones, and Nigel had promised to walk over with detailed information when he was free.
    Now she put, her short story into an envelope with a wonderful feeling of satisfaction, and decided to walk down to the village to post it “Do you want anything from Maggie Scott’s?” she asked Mrs. Cameron, knowing that she patronised the general stores.
    “I’ll see,” Mrs. Cameron told her, bustling away to check her store cupboard. A few minutes later she was back with an old- f ashioned shopping basket and a list of groceries.
    “If you get these, Miss Merry,” she said, “it’ll save my legs tomorrow, and I can turn out the bedrooms instead.”
    “Couldn’t I help you?” asked Merry, rather anxiously, thinking the older woman looked tired.
    “Bless you, no,” laughed Mrs. Cameron. “It’ll be a funny day when I can’t give the bedrooms a good redd. Och no, it’s just that I was over at my sister’s yesterday ... her that lives in the village ... you know, Isa and John Campbell.” Merry nodded. She’d often accompanied Mrs. Cameron to the Campbells’ cottage when she stayed with Aunt Ellen during holidays.
    “Her wee dog’s gone missing. I was never a great one for a wee dog myself, though I don’t mind a good big animal I’ll not be stepping on by accident. I’ve missed Major, Miss Ellen’s golden retriever, since he died.”
    “Maybe another dog would be good company for us both,” Merry put in.
    “Aye, well, maybe I could make enquiries,” offered Mrs. Cameron, “though having to traipse for miles looking for Cailleach last night

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