Accent Hussy (It Had 2 B U)

Accent Hussy (It Had 2 B U) by V. Kelly Read Free Book Online

Book: Accent Hussy (It Had 2 B U) by V. Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. Kelly
it’s all your fault. No amount of pussy is going to cure the shit going on with him. The only person that can truly fix this funk he is in, is you, Breezy. Now get the hell up on that stage, and send that red-head back to the pit she crawled out of.”
    Breezy sniffs and wipes her nose with the back of her sweatshirt. Gross! She takes it off, takes a deep breath, and marches towards the stage. I follow her out and see that Max is making his way to the door.
    Come on, Breezy, get up there before he leaves.
    I’m about to stop Max when Breezy hops on the stage and grabs the microphone. It squeals loudly and half of the room covers their ears. She clears her voice and speaks. It’s probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen, especially when my brother stops dead in his tracks and halts the red-head.
    “This song is dedicated to Max. I’m sorry I didn’t realize how much you meant to me until you were gone. There hasn’t been a moment that’s gone by in the last eight days that I haven’t been thinking about you. I was stupid to think we could never be more than friends. I’m sorry it took me ten years to realize the man I want to spend the rest of my life with has been next to me this whole time. Max, you’re my crutch, my rock, my best friend, and the love of my life. I understand if you don’t want to forgive me, but I need you to know that I’m in love with you, and if I have to, I will spend the next ten years trying to make you mine.”
    I’ve taken a seat back at the table with Dashawn and Maggie. Both Maggie and I are crying, Dashawn, on the other hand, is grinning like an idiot. My brother, well, he’s still standing like a statue at the back of the bar. I have to hold back my giggles when the music starts. I’m expecting some ballad professing her love for Max, but instead, I hear the introduction of Aqua’s Barbie Girl . It’s adorable how much Max’s face lights up. Breezy looks like she’s about to vomit, but she manages to choke out the words, even though she’s crying. Her eyes are locked with Max, and now he’s making his way up to the stage. He jumps up next to her and takes the microphone away. Now he’s belting out the guy’s part like he was the original singer. I’m surprised Breezy is still upright. She’s sobbing hysterically and laughing at the same time.
    This display of love and affection is puke-worthy at best, but silently I swoon. I want someone whose love is so deep for me that they would do anything to prove it. I’ve always known that Breezy and Max would end up together. Now I hope that they will seal the deal, maybe stop showing off in front of this room full of strangers. Max drops the microphone when Breezy launches into his arms. The gross display of PDA mixed with tears makes me think of those lovey-dovey Hallmark movies. Awesome my brother finally got his Hallmark moment.
    “I love you,” she screams. I can’t hear anything after she says I love you. Obviously, whatever she’s saying is making Max happy, because the more she talks, the bigger his smile gets. I find my eyes wandering around the bar. Maybe it was a sixth sense, but I could feel his eyes before I even looked at him. Sure enough, Mr. Sexy Caleb is staring at me again. I manage to look away. I don’t want him to get the wrong idea, so I quickly divert my attention back to my brother and Breezy.
    What the hell? Max is on his knees. Holy crap, he’s proposing to her! How did this go from a profession of love to a straight up proposal? The look of shock and every other emotion you can possibly think of besides anger consumes her face. Breezy’s covering her mouth and crying so hard I’m surprised she’s still upright. I’m expecting her to flee in fear, but instead, she nods, and he’s kissing her again. Wow, my brother just got engaged to the woman he’s always wanted to be with.
    Maggie and I look at each other and laugh. Both of us have mascara running down our faces; the only difference is

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