Adversaries and Lovers

Adversaries and Lovers by Patricia Watters Read Free Book Online

Book: Adversaries and Lovers by Patricia Watters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Watters
the truck, and were focused instead on his snug, black tee-shirt and the muscular physique beneath.
    "Are you referring to me or my shirt?" he asked.
    Raising her gaze from his strapping chest, Kate looked into eyes dancing with amusement. Heat rose up her face and settled like hot spots in her cheeks. Biting back a retort, she said, "I was referring to your truck."
    Ben grinned. "Another product of junkyard dregs."
    "And, of course you have no attachment to it," Kate said, annoyed.
    "None whatsoever."
    "Kate!" Grandma's voice cracked like a whip. "Where’re your manners, girl? Ask the man in." Without waiting for Kate's invitation, Ben stepped inside. And Kate realized at once what a mistake this whole idea of meeting at Grandma's house was.
    Ben gave Grandma a heartfelt smile. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Galbraith. My grandfather spoke highly of you."
    Grandma's eyes narrowed. "Who's your grandfather?"
    "Henry Stassen."
    Grandma said nothing, only turned and headed down the hallway to her bedroom, shutting the door behind with uncharacteristic force. Kate started after her, then halted. Maybe it was best this way. Whatever Grandma might have to say to Henry Stassen's grandson would definitely not help their case. Besides, Thelma and Dora were the consummate actresses, not Grandma.
    Kate introduced the women to Ben, who greeted them courteously. Ben propped Kate's portfolio against the sofa and sat down, and within seconds, the performance began. Ben listened attentively as the old pair acted out a pitiful scene, wringing their hands and dabbing their eyes while describing the repairs they so desperately needed. Voices wavered as they lamented over how to pay for the repairs, what with taxes sure to rise, and social security only just covering the bare necessities. But thankfully they all had each other, which made life worth living. When they were finished, they waited for Ben's response.
    Ben clapped enthusiastically, and said, "A fine performance, ladies. I applaud you."
    The women looked at him, stunned. Thelma pursed her lips. "You are a rude, impertinent, insensitive young man."
    Ben smiled. "Yes ma'am. I've been told that."
    Thelma's thin nostrils flared as she drew in a sharp breath. Saying nothing, she turned and headed for the front door, Dora trailing behind, and moments later, the door opened and closed with a thud. Infuriated by his callousness, Kate looked at Ben and said, "Thelma's absolutely right. You are rude, impertinent and insensitive!"
    Ben looked at her soberly. "Only with people who try to manipulate me."
    "Or try to control you," Kate added with a challenge. “But I didn't need your grandfather to point that out. I’d already figured it out on my own.”
    Ben walked over to where Kate stood. "Gramps is right about that," he said. "I do like to be in control. When you're at the helm, the sharks can't get to you." He moved into her circle of safekeeping until his nearness made her heart thump in dismay. Peering down at her he said in a low voice, "You should practice a little control yourself. You operate too much on emotion."
    Of all the egotistical... "You presume to analyze me," Kate said, attempting to hide the shakiness in her voice, "when in fact, you know nothing about me."
    "I don't have to know anything," Ben replied, "you're as easy to read as a deck of cards laid face up. I'm reading you now." He cupped his hand under her chin and traced her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. "Your eyes are dilated, your cheeks are flushed—" his gaze moved across her face, settling on her mouth "—and your lips are parted in breathless anticipation while you're trying to figure out what I'm going to do next."
    Kate stared at him in bewildered silence, captivated by the light that flared in his eyes. Then pulling together her scattered thoughts, she tipped her chin from his hand, and said, "If you do what I think you're about to do you might find yourself walking bowlegged for quite some time."

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