Fantasy fiction,
Fiction - Fantasy,
Short Stories,
Fantasy - General,
Science Fiction & Fantasy,
Science Fiction And Fantasy,
Graphic Novels,
Fantasy - Short Stories,
Graphic Novels: General,
Berlin (Germany),
Alternative histories
like comparing a gorilla to human beings. That fellow could have had one of those, but he’d ended up with - that? No wonder he drinks, Hasso thought.
Shabby shops and taverns and eateries lay within the first ring of huts. Again, all the proprietors and most of the customers were Grenye. When they bargained, they gesticulated and shouted and jumped up and down and did everything but poke each other in the eye. They reminded Hasso of the Jews in the villages in the east that the Wehrmacht had overrun.
When the shouting got especially raucous, Aderno stuffed his fingers in his ears. The racket had to drive him nuts. Maybe it also damaged his sorcerous sensitivity. Hasso just found it annoying. Velona caught his eye. She pointed to the Schmeisser he wore slung across his back. Then she pointed to eight or ten Grenye, one after another, and made guttural noises in her throat to suggest many rounds going off. And then she laughed and brought a forefinger up to her red lips in a gesture he couldn’t misunderstand. Mischief glinted in her eyes. Without a word, she was saying shooting Grenye was the only way to make them shut up.
A man with an unkempt beard and a mop of curly, dark brown hair came over to the Lenelli riding past. He held up a little jar - what was in it? salve? perfume? fish paste? - and went into a passionate, practiced sales pitch.
“No,” one of the troopers with Hasso said. The Grenye followed, still yakking a blue streak. “No!” the Lenello said again, louder this time. The Grenye had to be used to rejection, because he went right on with his spiel, coming ever closer as he did.
“No!” the Lenello shouted. He lashed out with his right foot. With a kick a World Cup footballer might have envied, he booted the jar out of the Grenye’s hand and sent it flying into a dungheap six or eight meters away.
The Grenye yelped in surprise and pain. All of Hasso’s escorts, even Aderno, laughed at him. Plainly, he was used to that. But his own people laughed at him, too, maybe for pushing too hard, maybe for not getting out of the way fast enough. His head hung as he trudged over to retrieve the jar from its noisome new home. He brightened when he discovered it wasn’t broken, and wiped it off on his tunic so he could try to sell it to some friendlier customer.
Inside the ring of shops, closer to the castle, dwelt the Lenelli. Had Hasso not already known, one glance at their homes would have told him who was on top here and who was on the bottom. Wide, well
- kept lawns separated one Lenello home from another; the overlords weren’t packed cheek by jowl the way their subjects were. Each Lenello home was at least six or eight times as big as a Grenye hut. The buildings were solidly made of stone or brick. They weren’t built from wattle and daub and whatever scraps a Grenye could beg, borrow, or scrounge. They had roofs of red tile or gray or green slate, not tired thatch and bits of planking. The Grenye would have fallen in love with corrugated sheet iron if only they’d heard of it. Most of the Lenello homes could have doubled as fortresses. Even their stables and other outbuildings were far finer, far sturdier, than anything the Grenye lived in. Velona saw Hasso eyeing the Lenelli’s houses. “Aren’t they good?” she said. He understood that, and nodded. “Yes. Good,” he said. There was a word you soon learned whenever you picked up a new language.
“Lenelli are good,” Velona said.”Grenye...”Hasso had already seen she was a good mimic. Now he discovered she could do an uncanny impersonation of a grunting hog. It startled a laugh out of him. She pointed ahead. “And the king lives - there,” she said.
The gesture was nicely timed. They’d just come round a corner. An avenue - or as close to an avenue as Drammen boasted - led straight to the royal palace. If the avenue was muddy and rutted and odorous... well, what streets in this world weren’t? The palace was an impressive piece