After the Rain (The Twisted Fate Series Book 1)
but don’t worry – I will get you on the ground safely.” Stormy couldn’t help but wonder if she detected a hint of doubt in his voice.
    The turbulence got even worse as they began their descent, and the engines sounded like they were about to blow up at any second. The grinding sounds coming from them grated against Stormy’s already shattered nerves. The plane felt like it was bouncing up and down on a trampoline – one minute they were dropping and the next they were rising. The tray tables started to shudder and all Stormy could do to stop herself from screaming was clutch onto her amber and to Marcus for dear life. Her eyes were tightly shut and her head was buried in his chest. She felt him reach up and wrap his arm around her shoulders and pull her closer. Even in her state of wild panic stations, she felt a little reassured by the strength and solidness of his body.
    Stormy forced her eyes open and looked up at Marcus. His eyes were wide and glued to the seat in front of him, and his mouth was set in a grim, hard line.
    “Marcus,” she managed to whisper through the nausea. “I don’t really hate you. I’m sorry I said that.”
    Marcus’s eyes met hers and he forced a tight, fleeting smile. “Me too. Sorry I said that, too.”
    And then, without any kind of warning, it happened.
    They were kissing.
    It was fast and frantic and furious and frenetic and other words that begin with an ‘f’. Stormy gasped loudly as Marcus buried his tongue in her mouth with an audible groan. Her sudden need for him drowned out her pulsing fear; it felt like she couldn’t get enough of him as she opened her mouth wider and wrapped her hands around the back of his head to pull him even closer.
    Sanity had left her, and clearly him, too. She felt like she was being controlled by a power and force greater than herself as they licked and bit and nipped at each other like starving animals.
    Stormy gasped against his mouth once more as she felt him slip his hand down the front of her dress and squeeze her breast. She squirmed deliciously in his lap as he bit down not-so-gently on her lip. Stormy responded, arching forward and pushing her body into him. His mouth left hers and traveled to her ear, and a shiver shot up her spine as he bit down on her earlobe and ran his tongue down the length of her neck. This was crazy. She knew it, but she didn’t care. She reached under the blanket that was still draped across his hips and ran her hand over the front of his jeans. He was rock hard. They grabbed at each other like two hormone-driven teenagers, suddenly unconcerned that they were about to plummet to their deaths and totally oblivious to the fact that they were surrounded by people. They were caught up in their own storm right now.
    “We are about to land, please assume the brace position.” The pilot’s strained voice finally broke through their frantic groping, and they let go of each other as the plane thundered towards the runway. Stormy grabbed Marcus by the hand as the plane finally hit solid ground with a heart-stopping thud.
    Moments later, applause rang out through the cabin, and some passengers even burst into tears from the sheer joy of being alive. But Stormy didn’t move. She froze. Dead still and silent. Out of the corner of her eye, she observed Marcus fixed in a similar pose, still locked in the brace position with his eyes down.
    Slowly, as the minutes ticked by and the passengers around them started to gather up the hand luggage strewn down the aisle, she stuck her head up like an ostrich out of the sand and came face-to-face with Marcus. They stared at each other in absolute shock. Stormy couldn’t quite recall how the whole thing had happened – it was as if they’d both been possessed.
    “Um….” Marcus finally spoke, his voice sounding shaky and uncertain. “Can we just pretend that never happened?”
    Stormy nodded vigorously. “Yes, absolutely. Never fucking happened. Noooo . Not at all. Not

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