After the Republic

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Book: After the Republic by Frank L. Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frank L. Williams
parents were with them. I’m going!”
    Jim whispered under his breath as Perry and Caroline argued. “Joshua, you’d go if those were your children. And I know you well enough to know that no one would stop you without a fight.” Joshua knew Jim was right. He teared up as he nodded.
    Rebecca stepped off the deck and grabbed Joshua’s hand, tears streaming down her cheeks. Perry and Caroline, who had apparently come to an agreement, silently walked to their truck. Always the gentleman, Perry opened Caroline’s door before walking around to the driver’s side.
    Joshua gulped and called out. “I’ll pray for you guys. If you can, be here Saturday morning at 8:00 with everything you want to take with you.”
    Rebecca and Jim looked at Joshua quizzically. Perry continued walking as asked, “Where are we going?”
    “I’m not sure yet, but I’m working on it. I’ll hammer that out between now and then. You just be careful and get back here. And call me if you are able and let me know about Charlie and Allie.”
    Joshua’s eyes filled with tears as Perry gave a thumbs-up and slammed his truck door. The Ram kicked up gravel as it sped down the driveway toward the road. Joshua’s pounding heart felt as heavy as lead. He sat on the steps and planted his face in his palms. How can this be happening? Rebecca sat beside him and put her arm around him, speechless. Reagan wedged himself between them, still trembling. Jim sat silently facing Joshua and Rebecca.
    After a few long minutes Joshua lifted his head up to reveal red, watery eyes. He sighed heavily as he grabbed Rebecca’s hand and squeezed it tightly. What do we do? Where do we even start? He looked at Jim, then Rebecca, then back at Jim.
    “I… I cannot imagine what Perry and Caroline are going through,” Joshua said, his voice trembling. “Jim, you’re right that if my children were in Raleigh tonight I would go, but I hate to see Perry and Caroline put themselves at risk. We’ve already lost a lot today, and I don’t want to lose my best friend too.”
    Jim nodded and spoke in an even, reassuring voice. “I understand, but he has to make that decision for himself. And I think you’ll see them here Saturday morning.”
    “How can you be so calm?” Joshua asked.
    “Appearances can be deceiving. But I know that God is in control, even when things seem out of control.”
    “Speaking of Saturday, what’s your plan, Josh?” Rebecca asked.
    “Let’s go inside and talk about it.” As Joshua rose from the steps he realized Drew was still standing motionless, fixated on the mushroom cloud glowing on the eastern horizon. He had not spoken a word since the blast. “Drew?”
    Drew jumped as though suddenly snapped out of a trance. He silently looked at Joshua and Rebecca, white as a ghost.
    “Are you okay?” Jim asked.
    “Umm, yeah,” Drew stammered. He looked in the direction of the mushroom cloud for another moment, and then staggered toward the door in a manner reminiscent of a drunkard.
    “My apartment is… was … in downtown Raleigh.” Drew pointed toward the mushroom cloud. “If I had been home, that would’ve killed me. I can’t imagine what your friend Perry and his wife must be feeling now. That should have been me, not their children .”
    “Drew, you can’t let yourself feel guilty because you were here instead of there,” Joshua said. “You couldn’t predict that.”
    “I… um…” Drew paused for a moment, appearing to search for the right words. “My boss. The House and Senate leadership. I was supposed to be with them . The governor and his cabinet. All dead--.”
    “But we don’t know for sure that the blast was in downtown Raleigh,” Rebecca said.
    “Where else would it be?” Drew shot back. “That’s where I’d put it.”
    “Are you saying you believe our state’s leadership was taken out by what we just saw?”
    Drew shook his head and looked down at the floor. “That’s exactly what I’m saying. I told

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