Through Gypsy Eyes

Through Gypsy Eyes by Killarney Sheffield Read Free Book Online

Book: Through Gypsy Eyes by Killarney Sheffield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Killarney Sheffield
Tags: Romance, Historical
her within minutes. “Bench, Jester.” Hand on his harness, she permitted him to guide her down the path to the stone bench beside the fountain. There was a slight nip to the air this morning, more to do with the coming fall than the storm the night before, she suspected. She sat on the cool stone, immersing herself in the birds’ melodic calls to soothe her raw nerves. Not a single feather of a breeze ruffled the curls already escaping her tidy bun, a clear indication the afternoon would be muggy and unbearable. Taking a calming breath, she savored the rich earthy smell, her favorite after a rain. She absorbed the sounds of her pony munching grass a few feet away and the buzz of a honey bee as it sought nectar from the flowers. Those simple sounds always relaxed her. As was her practice she vented her thoughts to her guide. “I am at a loss for what to do, Jester. A search of the house found no sign of a trespasser. Someone tried to hurt me, but who?”
    The pony snuffled and continued to graze.
    “Why would someone want to harm me? Surely not one of the servants, for they have never been anything but protective and considerate.”
The earl was the first to my side. Did he hit me? Is he after my money? Perhaps it is all just a ruse to make me think I am vulnerable, and therefore consent to his matchmaking under the guise of protecting me.
She brushed aside the unsettling thoughts. Though each idea contained merit, she was unable to commit to any theory with so little evidence.
    Footsteps approached. After careful consideration she determined them to be the earl’s by the soft, sure tread.
    “You should be resting.”
    Frowning, she folded her hands in her lap. “I am resting.”
    “Upstairs, I mean, lying down.”
    “One does not have to lie down to rest. Besides, I feel fine,” she lied, trying to ignore the slight throbbing of her head. He snorted, giving her reason to believe the large lump on her temple was in all likelihood uglier than the gentle inspection of her fingers this morning led her to believe.
    “Do you still think someone hit you?” His tone carried the slightest hint of mockery to it most people, except her, might have missed.
    She shrugged. Perhaps it was best to let him think she discarded the idea for now.
    He sat beside her on the bench. “Something strange is going on here. I think it is best if I find you a husband as soon as possible. For your protection, I mean.”
    “My protection?” She knew this was the excuse he would use. “You are making more of this than it is, my lord.”
    “Am I?”
    With effort she made her response as firm as she possible. “Yes.”
    He snorted again. “Are you not the one who is convinced someone intentionally did you harm last eve?”
    “Are you not the one who is convinced my servants are stealing from me?” Cocking her head, she awaited his answer. His heavy sigh was enough to show her needle irritated him.
    “Come on.” His warm fingers gripped hers, tugging with gentle persistence. “I will show you the truth of my claim.”
    “Show me?” She gave a hollow laugh, snatching her hand away. “Have you forgotten I am blind?”
    “Not at all. Come on.” Again he took her hand in his warm one, pulling her to her feet. Settling it in the crook of his arm he led the way.
    Having no other choice she followed. When they got to the house he turned toward the barns. With trepidation she dug in her heels. “Stop. I cannot go this way. I am not familiar with the path.”
    “Have you so little trust in me you think I will allow you to stumble and fall?” The quiver in his reply shamed her.
    Could she trust him? Did she have a choice? Taking a deep breath, she followed his lead with disguised caution, stifling the urge to thrust out her hands and feel the way for herself. They walked for a few minutes in silence before the temperature decreased. As their footsteps took on a hollow echo she discerned they entered the barn. The smell of

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