Aftermath (Dividing Line #6)

Aftermath (Dividing Line #6) by Heather Atkinson Read Free Book Online

Book: Aftermath (Dividing Line #6) by Heather Atkinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Atkinson
people would understand that she only attacked when she was threatened first, she wasn’t a psychopath.
    Beth’s car ground to a halt outside the castle, tyres hungrily munching up the gravel. She got out of the car, threw the keys at a parking attendant, grabbed her bags and raced up the steps into reception.
    “Oh crap,” she cried, her heel catching on the top step, sending her stumbling inside, her bags scattering across the floor. She fell face down, fortunately landing on the thick rug that had been spread over the hard stone floor. “Ow.”
    She found herself staring at a large pair of feet encased in brand new black leather shoes.
    “You’re looking well Beth.”
    She blushed furiously. “Hello Riley.” She hadn’t seen him in six months but she could still identify his voice without even seeing his face. “Bloody heels.”
    Strong hands grasped her under the arms and gently hauled her upright. Her feet found terra firma and she flushed even more when she found herself staring up into his face, which was so like Ryan’s except his eyes were brown. But she didn’t see Ryan, only him. She’d thought about him a lot in the last six months, the e-mails they’d exchanged a lifeline to her.
    “It’s nice to see you again,” she said shyly. “You look really good.” He looked incredible in his tuxedo.
    “And you.” His eyes swept over her, taking her in and his body relaxed, as though it had finally got a fix it so desperately needed.
    “I…I’m late,” she said, embarrassed after her fall. It was typical of her luck to make a complete idiot of herself in front of him. “I need the bridal suite, I have to get changed…my bags…”
    “Which room are you in?”
    “I don’t know yet.”
    “Tell you what, you go up to the bridal suite and get ready. I’ll make sure all your things get to your room.”
    Beth smiled. Ever since they’d met he’d looked out for her. “Thanks Riley.”
    “You’re welcome.”
    Briefly he pressed his hand to the top of hers before he started gathering up her dropped bags. Beth picked up her handbag and vanity case before hurrying for the stairs, pausing to look back at him over her shoulder, admiring his backside as he bent to retrieve her suitcase. He caught her looking and Beth hurried on her way, cringing when she tripped over the top step.
    Rachel swept back into the room after changing into the slinky emerald green silk dress, make-up perfect and hair straightened within an inch of its life. Cathy had finished Amber’s make-up and the hairdresser was removing the curlers, sending a cascade of red curls down her back. Unfortunately Beth still hadn’t arrived and Amber’s nerves were starting to get the better of her again.
    “I’ll call her,” said Rachel, fishing her mobile phone out of her clutch bag.
    “Hi Rach,” said her friend’s exasperated voice. “I’m in the castle, I can’t find the bloody bridal suite. Oh hello.”
    Rachel listened to her friend conversing with someone with a lovely deep bass voice, heard Beth’s charmed tinkle of laughter. Thane must have found her. Maybe that was his job, rounding up the guests who got lost.
    “I’m here Rach. Some hunky Scotsman gave me directions.” The door opened and Beth walked in with the phone still pressed to her ear.
    “Beth,” screeched Amber, throwing her arms around her neck.
    “Careful, you nearly knocked me over,” said Beth good-humouredly, hugging her back. “Sorry I’m so late but the traffic was a bloody nightmare around Aberdeen. I knew I should have flown in.”
    “It didn’t do Rachel and Ryan much good. They got arrested,” said Amber.
    “What?” said Beth, her eyes flicking to her best friend.
    “It was nothing serious,” said Rachel. “I’ll tell you about it later. Right now you need to get changed.”
    “Where’s my dress?”
    “In that bedroom there,” said Cathy, indicating a door leading off the suite.
    “I’ll be as quick as I can.” She

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